Jack boldly declared, "Let there be house!" and house music was born

Mar 30, 2009 00:43

This will be an interesting week, most likely filled with catching up on movies (I still have at least one free movie pass for AMC), playing way too many video games, long walks on the beach and reading. It's Spring Break (WOOOOO!) so we're closed all week long. That, combined with a severe lack of money ($7 in the bank account, woooo!) means I'll be staying home or doing whatever free stuff around Long Beach I can do. I'm covering a shift at Portfolio Monday and I have to go in Friday to defrost everything for next week, but other than that I will most likely be bored out of my mind. Hint hint.

Still haven't heard back from the guy at the Renaissance about the bartending position. Something tells me I probably won't. If he hasn't responded at least to say he got my e-mail by now, it's not likely he will at all. Oh well, it was just a hopeful thing anyway. I didn't really get my hopes up all that much. I think it definitely gave me a good kick in the pants in the right direction though. I think I'm going to start surfing Craigslist again to see if I can find a nighttime bar gig.
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