Feb 24, 2016 11:27
I am seeing a personal trainer now. I need to get better about tracking my food. It's hard though, because I want to block out what i'm eating. The other bad part about it all is simply that i want to be able to live off 800 calories. So if I eat 800 calories, this trainer will melt down! LOL
If I eat 2500 calories she will melt down too....
I have cried seeing myself naked twice in the last 2 weeks. My labido is down - which is NOT like me - due to the weight gain...... I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin. And I hate it. I hate it so much! I don't know what to do anymore.
I need to focus, I need to write it down, I need to make a goal, I need to just focus.... focus.....
Right now I have 2 goals:
* Lost 4lbs in the next week.
* Gym 4 days a week
I have only done 1 time this week. Looks like my weekend will be spent in the gym.
Any advice to tackle weird binging feelings? Since I quit smoking, I feel like I want to eat EVERYTHING.
If you want weight/height info, just ask.
If you want a workout buddy, let me know
If you want someone to food-log with, I'm here.
I need help and I love having buddies
Until next time loves
ed - wins again!!!,
ed - plan of attack