

Jun 07, 2005 16:46

My head has been killing me all day no matter what I take to try and dull it down. Could be a tooth thats actually causing the pain, I have one that's giving me trouble, or could be stress, high bp, or who the hell knows.

It may have contributed to poor decision making. My daughters friend (who is 11) and her sister (who is 14) came over to invite my girls to Fuller pool with them. Now Hoku is a good swimmer, Malu is not and is five and small and easy to lose track of. But the girls begged and pleaded, and I had a chat with the 14 year old and found her fairly mature and level headed, so I said sure if: A) All three girls conspire to keep an eye on Malu and each other, B) Malu doesn't go to any depth where she can't touch the bottom, and C) Home before 7:00, not on the way home, home. Now for anyone who has never been to Fuller it has a number of lifeguards, the depth is very graduated starting at about three inches and going, maybe, to three feet in the kids area, and it's outdoor in a fenced in area. I emphasized how extremely upset I would be if there was any trouble.
They're coming back in one piece, right?
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