*Ed paused, pulling the jacket around her frame more tightly and staring at the sign in disbelief. Central? How'd she get back here? She'd been in Risembool, helping Alphonse strengthen his body now that he was restored to normal. Someone didn't just miss a trip into another city like that
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*Another one...oh boy.*
As the sign in the center of Central says, there are duplicates of each other running around.
I'm Alfons Heiderich.
*She actually smiled at the introduction. Something about a person named any variety of 'Alphonse' seemed at least remotely trustworthy* And, I'm assuming you know who I am, by your... initial question, huh?
*Alfons smiles at the woman as well, at least trying not to ogle the fact that dear God this was a woman Edward and she was NOT in a dress (unlike the Princess Edward...)...*
Yeah, something like that.
*She pulled the trenchcoat around her a little tighter, not entirely aware that this boy was already on to the fact that she was a girl.* So. How long have you been in this... fake Central, Alfons?
It's not completely strange to me, either, I'm afraid...but you probably don't want to hear about it. It's a long story. Yes. Yes, it's horribly frightening.
...Not too long. I have to admit, it's much better than the world that I came out of...
*Alfons can't look her in the eye. He's unable to. It's hard, really...*
*To be honest, he's not sure how to start this. How do you go around saying that you have died a total of 57 times? All in not-so-nice ways?*
Do you think a man would go crazy if he was forced to live and die many many times, without being truly able to die?
So, Alfons... Are you trying to tell me that you die repeatedly, but continue to come back every time?
*Alfons nods slowly. It's truly hard to express it, even now, after he's said it to several. He'd have thought his curse...his punishment...having it out in the open would make it hurt less, but...alas...*
*Alfons smiles, or tries to...but it becomes more of one of those smiles that you see before one starts to cry, rather than a real smile. It had been a while since Alfons had smiled really and truly...and hadn't been heartbroken aftewards. He looked at Edward, doing his best to keep his gaze on her.*
...I have something I have to do in my world. And until I do it, I'll keep dying and being reborn until I finish it.
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