Jul 02, 2008 05:49
Alfons, this is why I keep telling you--
*Al blinks as he looks up, realizing the one he was talking to just isn't there.*
....Brother? Noa? Winry?
Where is everyone?
{OOC: This Al is from the same Universe as Kid!Noa, though from a different time period. Kid!Noa is from a time before she met her 'Uncle Al', who she grows really close to after they meet. He's also an engineer--not an Alchemist. He forgot most of his Alchemy when Ed and Alfons and Noa came through the Gate in his verse. Though why that is...well. XD I'm not telling 8D}
alphonse elric: otouto_al,
alphonse elric: engineerelric,
alphonse elric: wellmannersoul,
alphonse elric: notsomucharmor,
alfons heiderich: nemoubliepas,
alfons heiderich: gotothestars,
alfons heiderich: merfons,
alfons heiderich: girlalfons,
edward elric: princesselric,
alphonse elric: can_i_keep_it