(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 17:46

[Here. Have good ol' wholesome, and American as apple-pie, Alphonse. Being the typical post-High School male this one shuttles himself between college as well as his nine to fives: working at Borders and StarBucks all within a snug nook of the Big Apple. Al's location & upbringing adds a unique spin towards being a 'Poster Child for Good Will Towards Man' and his boy next door demeanor; suffering him streaks of cynicism, dark humor, plus a habit for citing trivia relevant to the moment.

He's a single child and none of the regular cast is familiar to him outside possibly spying a few, through coincidence, around the town or his typical haunts.

Right now Al's dealing with what is believed to be someplace which both feet have accidentally led him, while his nose had been getting up close and very much buried within one of Alphonse's latest sale-rack finds. He's probably politely tapping your shoulder and asking how you get back to this or that street.]

"Hey there. Sorry to bug you.. but I think I'm lost."

alphonse elric: steelsoul_al, alphonse elric: wellmannersoul, alphonse elric: regularcuppajoe, alphonse elric: notsomucharmor, ling yao: envoyoftheeast, jean havoc: buxsome_blonde, alfons heiderich: gotothestars

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