Title: The Lunar Alchemist
Author: Kayland Elric
Full Name: Elle Elizabeth Elric
Full Species: Maryis Sueis Edwardus Twinius
Hair Color: Brown, so I guess they aren't identical
Eye Color: Golden... I don't know...
Unusual Markings/Colorations: N/A
Special Possessions: Loneliness (pfft, of course)
Which Gate it Came From: Gate of Edward Twins, Gate of
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It's like that family that named their song “Adolf Hitler Campbell” or something like that and the rest of their kids were named after Nazi soldiers. IT. JUST. DOESN'T. WORK.
I heard about that OMG.
Isn't that awful?? O_o Kid is gonna grow up and learn that the guy who he was named after killed 6 million people. Poor kid. Hope he gets a name change... Adolf in general I understand. Hitler... not so much. Put them together and POOF. Traumatized child.
That's prolly just me, though ^^;
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