Dec 24, 2006 18:48
Individual Application
Name : Teeny/Lain/Justine/Hope ^^;; take your pick... I go by Teeny a lot
Characters : Roy Mustang
Prefered verse (Anime or manga, or both) : I don't mind both, they're very fun. I like the movie-verse too ^__~
Platforms (LJ,AIM,Yahoo!,MSN, email) : AIM
Notes : I like yaoi a lot but I do like het too... crack is fun... <<;; yeah XD I don't know what to say really, but I'm usually very indifferent. I'm a well-rounded person, really when it comes to RP-ing.
Where to be listed aka Tagged - you may add the tags yourself : Roy Mustang, yaoi, het, anime, manga, movie, crack, well-rounded (that last one's pretty retarded, excuse me XD)
roy mustang,