Time goes so fast Heaven is Lost...

Feb 03, 2007 11:54

The Basics

Name: PC or Pao 2x :D

Age: 15… XP

Sex: F

Last rated as:: Here? Maria Ross… :P

Likes: Surfing the internet, watching TV, reading, writing fanfics and poems, poking and annoying you, Anime, JPOP, Fullmetal Alchemist, Royai, rainbows, the colors red, pink, blue, gold, purple and black, Debating, cooking, the word ‘flares’ eating, sleeping :D teddy bears, animals (especially cuddly cute ones.. XP)

Dislikes: Annoying people (meaning people who annoy me XD), gross stuff like eating bugs or rotten stuff, people who think they got everything but actually they don’t, people who pretend to be someone they’re not, People who just hide their true feelings and then channel those into something else… People who call you mean names behind your back, and people who think what you know you’re doing right is wrong… *sorry bout that…* People who promise to do their part in a project and end up not doing it! And last, teachers who are too lazy to teach (*Like someone out there cough, cough…*)

Hobbies: Hobbies eh? Let’s see… I love to write and read, I love to watch the TV and surf the net, plus use the PC (ooh! Same as my nickname!! I meant personal computer dears…XP) Playing chess and  swimming, doodling (especially during Statistics and CL :D)

Your Personality

Strong points: Strong points… I am kind of independent (I don’t rely on people a lot…) kind of mature already, I’m honest about my feelings (as my adviser says :D), responsible, and a leader, plus smart and intelligent, funny caring, understanding, confident, nice, friendly (as my classmates say as well… ;)

Weak points: I can be really bossy sometimes… *as long as you don’t do anything I wouldn’t be…* I love to slack off, *even if I have a ton of work, just like now… XP* I can be OC at times, and I am very grade-conscious… O_O

Misc. traits: I dunno… I don’t have an idea really… :D

This or That

Leader or follower?: More of leader, but I sometimes have to be a follower as well…

Mature or immature?: Mature most of the time…

Optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic :D

Extroverted or introverted?: Mostly introverted… but I can be extroverted if I want to. :D

Calm and cool or emotional?: Cool and calm.

Do you think things through, or are you impulsive?: I think things through a lot… :D I hate making decisions without thinking.

Would You...?

Who or what would you die for?: My family and friends of course. :D

Would you let a stranger live with you if you were positively sure that they would do you no harm? (Like, they're a friend of your friend, they were a little kid, etc.): If it was a little kid, I’d like keep him or her for a while before going to the Social Welfare and Dev’t branch of the gov’t… XP but if it was a friend of a friend who I personally don’t know, definitely not… my parents wouldn’t allow it either anyway… if it was a person who just pops up asking for help NO!

If someone got angry at you for no reason, what would you do?: Try to find out why she did that, but I would never try to be mad at her. The best thing I’d do is talk to her… :D

Would you risk your life and/or the way you currently live just be with a loved one?: probably… it all depends on the situation at hand.

Now, About the Movie... (OPTIONAL)

What did you like about Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala?: I love it because… Roy’s back… XP *stops* because I could recite during History class because there were scenes from WWII :D and I just plain love it.

What did you dislike?: The ending… and the fact that a few characters I love died *like Izumi XP I’d love her as an adviser, although I wouldn’t think my classmates would agree… the again, at least the class is disciplined… :D*

Who was your favorite character in the movie?: Roy, Riza, Ed :D

Did you like how it ended?: *pokes at what did you dislike quessie…* No sadly… even my bio teacher agrees… :D *can you believe she watches and she’s a teacher! ;D*

What does it remind you of?: which one? The ending? A separation or something, but still it was a beginning of a quest for something else… like an ending of one chapter of a book and the beginning of another.

Do you want to say anything else about the movie?: I wish the ending was different… XP and I wish there’s something after that… :D

Do you have anything random to add?:

I’m slacking off right now… :D I have tons of projects and no improvement yet… :S

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