I was stamped as Winry, but I want to see what FMA movie character I am ^____^ hopefully not Winry again...
The Basics
Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Sex: Female!
Likes: anime, art, drawing, painting, tap dancing, playing the guitar, walking
Dislikes: Cockroaches, crickets, angry ranting, needles, blood
Hobbies: drawing, painting, homework (LAWLZ), er...hanging out with my peepz...shopping
Your Personality
Strong points: Intelligent, humble, artistic, creative, happy
Weak points: Perverted (at times), insane (at times), loud, stubborn
Misc. traits: Er...I dunno...I'm a pretty loud person. I like my friends. I try to make jokes, but some of them aren't funny XD Art is my life!
This or That
Leader or follower?: Mostly a follower. Sometimes I can be a leader.
Mature or immature?: Both XP I'm at the age where I'm almost an adult, but I'm still a teenager XD
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimism FTW
Extroverted or introverted?: Extroverted. Majorly.
Calm and cool or emotional?: Emotional...but I like to keep my feelings inside.
Do you think things through, or are you impulsive?: I usually think things through, but yes, I get impulsive sometimes.
Would You...?
Who or what would you die for?: Family, a select few friends
Would you let a stranger live with you if you were positively sure that they would do you no harm? (Like, they're a friend of your friend, they were a little kid, etc.): Yeah, sure!
If someone got angry at you for no reason, what would you do?: I would ask why they were angry...and then try to sort it out from there.
Would you risk your life and/or the way you currently live just be with a loved one?: I dunno...
Now, About the Movie... (OPTIONAL)
What did you like about Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala?: asldkjgoseingsdfe umm...it was FMA? It had Wrath in it? Al was girlish cosplaying as Ed human? Roy was a pirate? XDDDD
And Ed didn't even hug his brother T_______T So much for Elricest...
Who was your favorite character in the movie?: Wrath XD Always and forever! But Alfons Heiderich kicked ass too.
Did you like how it ended?: Not really. I wanted them to be TOGETHA in the alchemic world...
What does it remind you of?: I dunno...nothing relating to real life! XD
Do you want to say anything else about the movie?: Wrath should have had more talking. And Envy should have shown his smexy homunculus self instead of his creepy dragon self *shudders* And there whould have been more Elricest ^__^
Do you have anything random to add?: Naw!