The Basics
Name: Heidi
Age: 23
Sex: female
Likes: Anime/manga, Harry Potter, LotR, music (Morrissey/The Smiths, Gackt, Weezer, NIN, Weiss, FoW, Bis, whatever Daisuke Asakura's involved in...), winter, tea, pajamas, Christmas, videogames (FFVIII is my favorite), helping people, feeling like I belong, Jane Austen, being with the people I care about, psychology, history, good dreams, baked goods, X-Men, Batman, The Food Network, Disney World, Cameron Crowe films, Bewitched (the TV series), Oscar Wilde, KitH, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spottless Mind", the Twilight Zone (the old one), winning, astrology, and my hobbies.
Dislikes: Apathy, cruelty, being patronized, forgetting things, discrimination against others based on something they can't control (age, sex, race, disability, sexual preference, etc.), making mistakes, giving up, being wrong, hurting the people I care about, loneliness, illness, depression, allergies, (me) crying in public, people thinking I'm younger than I am, schools, being told to do something without being told why, being helpless, false friends (who just use/manipulate/toy with you), abandonment, waking up and not feeling rested, nightmares, being scared, not knowing what to do, and being doubted.
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, singing, listening to music, playing videogames, watching anime (and some other things), making icons, cooking, making things for friends, making astrology charts, and computer related stuff.
Your Personality
Strong points: Smart, resourceful, creative, compassionate, ambitious, hard working, loyal, nice, observant, analytical, intuitive, persevering. I'm very protective of my loved ones, and try my best to support them and encourage them. I have very strong opinions on most everything and put my heart into what I do, so you could say I'm pretty passionate too. I think I'm pretty good at giving advice or at least I try to if the people I care about need help in some way. And I have a good memory, which can be good, but also it can be a bad thing too at times.
Weak points: I'm very hard on myself and prone to feeling like whatever I do isn't good enough, of if something goes wrong that I'm the one at fault. Tied to this, I tend to dwell on the past and things I can't change. I'm pretty anxious, suffer from mood swings, and have a bad temper (ESPECIALLY when someone I care about has been hurt, or I think that they have been...and also just generally with my dad). I can be impatient >.< Sometimes I think that I'm too sensitive and wind up getting hurt. Too, I'm scared of rejection and don't deal well with change or disappointment.
Misc. traits: I'm not sure what goes here? -.-;
This or That
Leader or follower?: Leader, unless I REALLY trust someone and think that they know a lot more about what we're doing than I do.
Mature or immature?: Mostly mature, but I still throw fits like a little brat sometimes >.<
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Generally optimistic, I think. Especially when it comes to other people's lives. I have my periods of sinking into pessimistic thoughts though.
Extroverted or introverted?: Extroverted around people I know well, have a good first impression of, OR if I'm pissed off. Otherwise I'm introverted.
Calm and cool or emotional?: Emotional.
Do you think things through, or are you impulsive?: I try to think things through. I try to come up with plans and so forth, and I usually stick to that, but sometimes I'm impulsive anyway.
Would You...?
Who or what would you die for?: My family.
Would you let a stranger live with you if you were positively sure that they would do you no harm? (Like, they're a friend of your friend, they were a little kid, etc.): No. I'd need to know more about them, but I might try and help them figure out somewhere else to stay.
If someone got angry at you for no reason, what would you do?: If it was someone I knew I'd either yell back at them, start crying, and keep asking what I did that made them mad. If it was a stranger, I'd try not to cry or yell back at them, and get away from them. I'd be really confused by that.
Would you risk your life and/or the way you currently live just be with a loved one?: Absolutely.
Now, About the Movie... (OPTIONAL)
What did you like about Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala?:
What did you dislike?:
Who was your favorite character in the movie?:
Did you like how it ended?:
What does it remind you of?:
Do you want to say anything else about the movie?:
Do you have anything random to add?: Please give me some reasons why you think I'm like who you're voting me as. Thanks! ^.^
Also, want to affiliate with my community