Hello. :3 This is actually my first mirror community... *hides behind a rock* I don't have very good pics of myself, but... Here goes nothing. D:
(Eee, this would be my favorite and most recent. ^^;)
I would be in the middle with the expressive face... My friends are going to lick me. >_>; XD; In fact, the girl with the black hair did after the pic was taken. XD;;;;
I'm the one sitting in my friend's lap in the tie. :3 <3
Finally, huzzah for archery at the Rennaisance Festival! :DD!!
I also shaved my head over a month ago, but my hair grew back like crazy. >>; It makes me wish I would've taken pictures. :/ *sigh*
BTW: "Three shall be the number thou shalt consider the minimum, and the number of the minimum shall be three. Four shalt thou not consider, neither consider thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out"
Monty Python is complete and utter love. <3333
I also apologize for the strange format in the last two pictures. :/ I'd scanned them in and they were rebellious. I hope you can see them well anyway... .__. If they're too small or anything, please let me know. <3