The Basics
Name: Tiffany
Age: 16 tomorrow
Sex: Female
Likes: being with/helping my friends, music, guitar, cooking (to some degree), some schoolwork, singing, reading, writing, drawing, anime, forming opinions, stating opinions, people who are good listeners, open-minded
Dislikes: People who are controlling, people who think they're better than everybody else, messy houses, british literature, over-obsessive criticism, people who turn their back on you.
Hobbies: Writing, singing, playing guitar, hanging with friends, reading on state politics, being active in my church
Your Personality
Strong points: I'm very strong-willed, stubborn and opinionated. I can admit when I've made a mistake and am humble about it. I generally care very much for my friends and would do anything for them.
Weak points: I'm very down on myself and have a low self-esteem. I keep things bottled up inside until they explode. I also procrastinate schoolwork.
Misc. traits: Nothing that I can think of. Oh yes, I try to be a hard worker.
This or That
Leader or follower?: I'm content to be at a leader's side but if the situation calls for it, I'll take charge.
Mature or immature?: For my age I'm considered mature.
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Pessimistic most of the time.
Extroverted or introverted?: Extroverted!
Calm and cool or emotional?: A little bit of both!
Do you think things through, or are you impulsive?: Generally I think things through but there are times when I'm impulsive.
Would You...?
Who or what would you die for?: I would die for my family and friends and my faith in God.
Would you let a stranger live with you if you were positively sure that they would do you no harm? (Like, they're a friend of your friend, they were a little kid, etc.): Whole-heartedly!
If someone got angry at you for no reason, what would you do?: Find out what was wrong and try to come to a solution.
Would you risk your life and/or the way you currently live just be with a loved one?: Yes I would!
Now, About the Movie... (OPTIONAL)
What did you like about Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala?: I like the roy/riza part and the wrath part.
What did you dislike?: Almost eveything else. I think Ed was a jackass toward Winry at the end, etc. And all the friggin plotholes, my gosh! I won't ramble though.
Who was your favorite character in the movie?: Winry all the way!
Did you like how it ended?: No! It sucked majorly.
What does it remind you of?: A poorly made movie. Ick, the series was good but the movie's screwed.
Do you want to say anything else about the movie?: Screw it, basically.
Do you have anything random to add?: