(no subject)

Aug 26, 2011 14:16

Title: One is better than six
Author: bloody_winged
Recipient: derawr
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Lust, Gluttony, Father. The other Homunculi get mentioned
Summary: Lust hates being the only female of the homunculus, until she reminds herself just why being a woman is the better deal.
Notes: Prompt 4: Sometimes Lust hated being the only female homunculus.
I had hoped I would be able to fit more annoyance of her towards the other homunculi in, but then this little thing went more towards showing just why women are superior to men and I kinda like that, so I hope you like it as well^^

Sometimes, Lust really hated to be the only female Homunculus in existence.

One of these moments was now.

Coming to their underground base, she was reminded once again that men, in fact and no matter if human or not, were pigs.

“For men who don’t even have to eat with the exception of Gluttony, they sure leave a lot of garbage lying around,” she murmured to herself as she stepped with distaste over some rotting corpse. She didn’t even want to know who of her brothers had left it lying around this time…

“Lust?” came a cute-sounding voice beside her, and she knew the question already before it was voiced.

“Go ahead Gluttony. Better clean this place up a bit,” she answered the smaller Homunculus, who made a cheerful sound and immediately started to eat - noisily.

If Lust weren’t a lady, she would have cursed at this point.

Instead, she just growled to herself and continued walking. The aesthetics of this place left a lot to be desired, but luckily she didn’t have to be here all that often, so she could deal with them whenever Father summoned them. Also, while she was by far not too dainty to not accept that their… job had a certain messy part to it, she couldn’t stand it to be surrounded by mess that could be avoided.

And leaving corpses lying around, just because no-one really wanted to deal with them, was just the kind of mess that could be avoided. She couldn’t understand how they never seemed to be bothered by it either.

“You are looking annoyed. It doesn’t suit you,” Father’s monotone voice told her and she made sure to clear her irritation of her face.

“It’s nothing, Father,” she told him, knowing he wouldn’t press her. While in many senses, they were just like a big family, he also trusted - most - of his ‘children’. But even while he trusted them, he still kept his tabs on them when he thought they needed it.

She could proudly say that, so far, she had never given him any reason to doubt her, and he rewarded that with a certain amount of freedom to act whenever she thought it was needed and to let things be when she thought it would be better to just sit back and watch how everything would work out. This freedom was something her brothers usually envied her for. Especially Envy.

‘Well, there have to be some perks to being the only woman in this flock,’ she thought, suddenly amused and feeling slightly smug.

It was said that women matured faster and were a lot more responsible than men. If her own ‘family’ was anything to go by, that was certainly true.

Gluttony was nice for her to keep around - especially to clean up messes she would rather not deal with - but the reason Father ordered her to watch over him was more along the lines that he couldn’t act on his own. Without a firm hand watching over him, he would either be lost or going berserk. Neither of those outcomes were wanted by them.

Envy… Envy had always been problematic and probably always would be. He thought too much of himself to ever be really responsible. It was impossible to make him see that sometimes it was better to just wait and see, to show some patience. If he couldn’t go straight into battle(or annoy someone), he wasn’t happy. So Father usually tried to send him wherever things needed some stirring up. For that, Envy certainly was the perfect choice.

Sloth. Well, if there was anything positive that could be said about Sloth, it probably would be that he wouldn’t make any trouble on his own. Left to his own devices he probably would just lie down and sleep somewhere, not caring what anyone else did. But it also wasn’t what someone could call responsible.

Pride always had been a little ‘know it all’. While Father showed him a great deal of trust, he also knew that Pride was too cunning to really be left to his own devices. He also often acted like the child he looked like, making him easy to bait and therefore to lash out towards enemies they would rather to be unaware at this point.

Wrath was half-human, and therefore she probably shouldn’t even count him, but she did, if only out of spite just for herself. Sometimes she just needed to remind herself that while maybe she wasn’t the most powerful of them, she had other strong points. Wrath, while very obedient towards father, had become bored the past couple of years. He was too likely to act out just to amuse himself. And while Father would overlook anything he did if it didn’t get too bad - like taking a wife. Something that certainly was unheard of before in their little group - he was also watching him, always making sure that his plan was still the most important thing on Wrath’s mind. Especially with all the power given to him, it was important to keep an eye on him.

That only left Greed, and he had probably been the reason why Father started to watch them more. Deserting them and trying to start opposing Father on his own… just the very idea had been laughable. But he had tried, and she had to give it to him that he had come quite far before his siblings had reigned him in again and chained him down. Now, while he didn’t need constant watching, they were very aware of his fate and careful not to make the same mistake.

“Lust, I need you to take on a delicate mission,” Father’s voice pulled her out of her musings. Smiling for him in a way that let him know she was up to everything he would demand of her, she nodded towards him.

“Of course Father, what are the specifics of that mission?” she asked him, listening carefully as he explained.

Maybe in some ways she would always be annoyed by her brothers’ shortcomings, but as long as she kept in mind that being a woman had certain advantages, she would be able to live with them.

Finishing her mission-briefing, she turned around to leave the drab cave that served as their base behind, calling for Gluttony on her way out. She wouldn’t be able to take him with her on the mission directly, but she always liked having him near just in case.

“Are we going to have some fun, Lust?” he asked her in that childish voice of his that made him actually more bearable than the others to her. Giving him a patient smile, she patted his head.

“Yes we are, Gluttony. You’ll get lots of humans to eat,” she told him and inwardly shook her head at his delighted look. Then she shrugged and straightened her coat.

It was time to seduce yet another high-profile officer to make him do exactly what she wanted.

At that thought, she smirked.

Maybe, this was another reason Father trusted her so much. Not being human he never had to experience just how cunning women could be. The saying, ‘Hell has no fury like a woman scorned’, certainly held a lot of truth. He used her readily enough whenever it came to handling men that were still needed or to extract some information from them, but he never had to deal with the other weapons just about every woman possessed.

After all, men never really figured out that a woman’s body wasn’t the weapon.

It was only the bait.

And once the trap snapped shut…

…there was no getting away anymore.

author: bloody_winged, recipient: derawar, character: lust, fic

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