OKAY ALL YOU AWESOME PEOPLE - we have now officially posted ALL the ladyfest fics and art! (For the curious, that ended up being 45 lady-centric works in total, which is RIDICULOUS and AMAZING. HEARTS ARE EXPLODING OUT OF MY EYES FOR ALL OF YOU. YOU CAN TELL BECAUSE OF THE WAY I CAN'T TURN OFF MY ALLCAPS.)
In 24 hours, give or take a few, we will put up a reveal post so you can all take credit for your works of brilliance - so if you want to comment on stuff while it's still anonymous, now is the time. After the reveal, you're free to link, cross-post, archive, and generally wave your awesome contribution around as many places as you would like. We only ask that when you do, you note somewhere that it was initially created for
fma_ladyfest in hopes that people will come around to check out the rest of the archive!
In other news - and I am sure Gen will want to say this tomorrow too, but I get to first - this has basically been the best and most rewarding ficathon-running experience anyone could hope for ever, and, in case you missed it above, WE LOVE YOU ALL.