Title: Roy's Boys - One Year Later
Pairing: RoyxEd, ArmstrongxVegetables
Rating: R
Timeline: AU
Words: 1289
Summary: Roy and Ed enjoy some office time.
AN: Follow-up to Roy's Boys.
Chapter listing is
“Do you ever miss it?” Title: Take a Number
Pairing: HavocxAlfonsxRussellxFueryxAl, RoyxEdxAl, RoyxEd
Rating: NC17 (PWP with a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment of fluff)
Timeline: AU
Words: 2086
Summary: Al is at it again. At least this time Armstrong isn't invited.
AN: A filthy follow-up to
All Aboard! “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to go check things out.”