prompt 255, closing time, Weekend Nights

Jan 23, 2014 22:18

Title --Weekend Nights
Author-- cornerofmadness
Disclaimer -- Arakawa owns all
Rating -- teen
Characters/Pairing --Fuery
Timeline/Spoilers -- Eastern Command time period
Word Count -- 250
Warning -- none
Summary -- Fuery tries to predict what the night holds for everyone
Author’s Note -- I have a million other things I should be doing but Fuery had to have his way.


It was almost closing time and its presence could be felt in the office. It was the weekend so most of the Colonel’s crew had gotten as antsy as a stallion before a storm, and that was by the time lunch had passed. Fuery could almost predict what would happen next. Havoc would be the first out the door, off to another doomed date that Breda and Falman would tease him about. Fuery wavered on whether or not the Colonel would do the same.

Everyone said he was a player. Fuery knew that on the times he’d walk the city with Mustang, there was no place they’d gone where a woman didn’t know Mustang. Still, Fuery thought maybe the Colonel was with Hawkeye, and Fuery felt strongly she’d shoot him if the colonel was that misbehaved.

As for the lieutenant, Fuery suspected she spent her weekends in the park with Hayate and reading. Falman had been talking about a physics lecture all week so no guessing needed there. Breda had plans with friends at some pub he liked to frequent. Fuery knew they were all convinced he’d do nothing but sit around his quarters all night.

Little did they know he had a club of friends who loved movies as much as he did. All things electronic made him happy, movies especially so. They saw everything they could and discussed them to the wee hours. It was a scary movie tonight with Lauren. He was going to have a blast.

cornerofmadness, prompt 255

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