Title: Thoughts of the Future
zippitgoodTimeline: Brotherhood/Manga
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Mei Chang/Alphonse Elric
Rating: G
Word Count: 681
Author’s Notes: I need to write the Xing contingent more often.
Summary: She's attending her first Amestrian wedding, but it won't be her last.
Mei is still unused to the cold in the north part of Amestris. The last time she was in the region was during the lead up to the Promised Day. Much has happened since then and she's had little reason to return until now. Despite being the warmer part of the year, there's still a chill in the air. It brings a clarity to the day that only seems fitting for the occasion they're marking.
She is glad she chose a thicker outfit than she had been advised. They will be inside for the ceremony but it is still nowhere near as warm as Xing. She smoothes her hands over the light purple silk covering her body then tugs at her braids to make certain they won't come loose. She beams into the mirror then spins to exit their room and go find Al.
When the invitation arrived, she was surprised because she didn't think Al and Edward had been that close with Mustang's unit. The many stories she's heard Al tell of their travels under Mustang's command did not involve them. Sometimes she forgets that Al was ever anywhere else but by her side in Xing. He has a fierce adoration and fascination with learning everything she can teach him about alkahestry and her country. He seems to have always been Xingese and reminders about his Amestrian heritage are jarring.
But here, today, she will not think of that. She will not think about how she wants a day like this of her own or how she cannot see herself with anyone but Al. They are young, yes, and the burden of carrying on her clan's legacy is no longer as heavy as it was, but it still lies on her shoulders.
Her feet clatter down the inn steps and through the stone entry hall into the large room where Falman will marry his bride. It is decked out in soft pink flowers and white everywhere the eye can see. These are not the colors Mei would have at her own ceremony.
There would be many more bright colors, clan colors, and ones that are her and Al's favorites. Her family would be teeming everywhere, beaming with joy, and mingling with Al's friends and relatives. Because while there is joy in the air, it's more of an expectation of long drawn out tradition and ritual. It feels stiff and restrained. The jubilation withheld until a more proper occasion. The chi of the people here fluctuate between happiness and annoyance. But that is not her concern.
She scans the crowd for a splash of bright gold and spots Ed first. He's seated beside Mustang in the second row along with everyone else in his unit. Falman and his bride's families fill the front row. Al should be close and there he is seated just behind Ed.
Mei eases her way through the throng of others making their way to their own seats with soft "excuse mes" and settles in her seat. Al gives her a soft smile and reaches out to take her hand. She clasps it within both of her own and squeezes.
"You look beautiful," he says.
She ducks her head and smiles as she feels the blush heat her cheeks. "Thank you for inviting me."
"You'll always be the one I take to things like these." He raises their joined hands and brushes a kiss against her hand.
She wants to say something, tell him how much he means to her, but music begins to play and a hush falls over the crowd. Necks turn toward the back of the room and Mei looks too. This will be her first Amestrian wedding but unlikely to be her last. Al is one of those that makes friends everywhere he goes and he has lived in Amestris a long time.
He squeezes her hand again and she looks at him. His gold eyes sparkle and he mouths, "I love you."
Mei knows no matter what may come in the future she is happy now and she will cherish the feeling.