Title: Monster Ball
Catw00manSeries: PRE Brotherhood/Manga
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Characters: Roy Mustang, Chris Mustang
Summary: Train stations are full of the most bizarre creatures.
Author’s Note: Little Roy is back! I have to admit this one took me longer than I expected, but I love the shift in his character. The best part is…I can’t help but see a little Ed in him. :-D Oh, and does anyone know if there actually was a real manga/anime picture of the Madame and little Roy?
A loud metallic screech fills the covered platform and Roy holds his hands over his years. Smoke billows from the front of the metal beast and he wrinkles his nose at the strong smell. The giant monster he’s heard called an “iron horse” slides to a stop with more grinding metal and a long hiss of steam. He narrows his eyes at the creature that looks nothing like his sweet mare.
It’s a monster.
But it’s not the only one.
Roy drops his hands as the thing shudders once more and turns his attention to the strange people-shaped monsters all around him. He’s never seen people like this, not even at the fair, and if he didn’t know better he really would think they were all creations in a made up story. He blinks up as a woman in a long purple dress with huge feathers seeming to come out of her head passes by. His Auntie has a strange looking hat on her head too, but at least it doesn’t look like it’s going to fly away. A young man wearing a coat with long flaps in the back like a bird’s tail is with her and Roy can only stare at the strangeness of the couple.
He looks around again and it seems like almost everyone is just as weird looking. Many of the women are wearing colors he’s only seen on birds or the fancy paper decorations at the fair and many of the men are carrying fancy walking sticks they don’t even seem to need. Old Man C had a stick like that but it wasn’t all shiny and carved and he actually leaned on it. Roy looks down at his simple white shirt and dark brown trousers with matching suspenders all made by his Mama and doesn’t understand. These people make no sense at all.
A heavy hand falls on his shoulder and he looks up at the woman beside him who he barely knows and who apparently controls his future…for now. She brings her smoking stick away from her lips and blows out a long stream of smoke before looking down at him.
“So, you’re still determined not to get on the train.” Roy shakes his head and stands up straighter. He hates the way she makes him feels so small and he’s not even sure why. “You realize in Central City we can get you some new clothes and some sweet trea-”
“I don’t need any new clothes.” He lifts his chin stubbornly and stares at the steaming metal monster. “And Mama says sweets can rot your teeth.”
There’s a sigh beside him and he doesn’t care. He won’t be won over by stupid monster clothes or fancy candy. He’s never cared about that stuff. He didn’t even know these things existed.
“You know, your father and I took a trip through Central once….”
Roy’s eyes widen and he looks up at her. Papa never told him that. “Did you really?”