Title: Sunny with a Chance of Maes
Author: Zippit
Timeline: Manga/Brotherhood
Character(s): Roy Mustang
Rating: G
Word Count: 240
Beta: Thanks to
catw00man. All other errors are mine.
Author’s Note: Still super busy but glad I managed to write this.
Summary: On his way home, Roy encounters some rather familiar clouds.
Spelled out in the clouds above him are the words "Hey Roy! Have you found yourself a wife yet?"
His eyes must be playing tricks on him. That's the only explanation. Roy rubs at them then blinks before glancing cautiously up at the clouds again. The words are still there.
Great. He has Maes tormenting him from beyond. Shouldn't he be looking in on his family?
The clouds rearrange themselves. "Already have. You're the one that needs looking after more."
"I do not" is Roy's muttered reply. He curses as he's suddenly drenched then sees a small raincloud scuttling away. He can practically hear it whistling cheerfully like Maes. He glares into the unending sky as he shakes the water off. "What did I do to deserve that?"
"Everything" is the cheerful reply in the clouds. Roy scowls and resumes walking. His house is only a few blocks away and once home, he can pretend none of this happened because it didn't. He's likely asleep in his chair after having had too much to drink the night before. That's it. Alcohol infused dreams are always hopelessly nonsensical.
Roy resolutely doesn’t look up over the next several minutes, but as he steps onto his porch he can’t help a glance up.
In the clouds are the words “I’m not done with you.”
Roy sighs and retreats into the safety (and sanity) of his home while a harrumph of thunder sounds outside.