Title: Expendable
Author: Sofipitch
Series: brotherhood/manga
Word Count: 693
Rating: G-PG
Characters: Kimblee
Summary: You know it’s hypocritical.
Warnings: hinting towards a spoiler
It was so much easier to say the truth than it was to begin spewing out lies. The problem with you telling the truth is that there aren’t many people who are jumping to be able to listen. No, sadly most people curled their lips in disgust and covered their ears. Some have grabbed you by the collar and threatened you to shut up. And some, who can behave themselves, walk away. But no matter what their reaction was, they all have the same look in their eye, the dilated pupil full of shock and sometimes-although most don’t like admit it-fear. It all depended on the person and how civilized they are.
Lying just isn’t as much fun. It’s not hard, no, you’ve been lying ever since your mother first asked you why you wanted to study alchemy. (You had probably lied many times before that, but this lie was forever engraved in your memory for it was the first ‘important’ lie.) With lying you don’t get the same reaction as with telling to truth, but you know it is more likely for that person, whomever you are talking to, to trust you.
Sometimes lying is interesting, if you are saying the right thing, you still can get interesting reactions. Some begin to cry and thank you if you mention a dead relative of theirs-ironically usually someone who fell at your hands-and for telling them you are sorry for their loss. Though some remain as stone-faced as ever to such mentioning, which you came to learn over the years that that’s just some people’s way of mourning. Then of course there are times within the military in which have to remind the ones you are dealing with who you are and how much authority the Furher himself has given you over them. The look of shock and bitter annoyance has never failed to amuse you.
Although if there’s anything that never fails to annoy you, it’s being lied to yourself. You know it’s hypocritical, but you can’t help but thinking that the lies you’ve told are petty compared to those the homunculi have told you. They allow you liberty to do what you wish with your alchemy, and then when you do, you are thrown in prison. You know they did that for show, to prove to others they knew you were a ‘dangerous monster’ and they weren’t going to just let you live and flounce about, but it’s hard not to find it angering on your behalf. Then after a few long years, they let you out and give you the privilege of receiving a more challenging and more important task from them. You don’t delusion yourself into thinking you are important to them, you understand your place to them now. You’re expendable to them; just another pawn of theirs. You no longer think you are important to them and that they won’t punish you harshly if you do something brash as you had been believing during the war in Ishval.
But they also don’t seem to understand where they stand in your mind. You understand that your alliance with them is also expendable. If something that they promised to you is taken away, fine. You hold no specific attachment to them nor do you really believe they will in the end up hold their promise of granting you immortality. You don’t believe in anything they say to you, but what they have to offer you is good so you keep your mouth closed and carry on doing as they tell you till they finally do try to get rid of you. But you know you will be the one to outsmart them and you will come out victorious. It’s a game of double trickery. Both parties are lying to one another, pretending to be allies, yet wonder when it will be a good time to knock the other out of the race.
Your mother raised you hoping that you’d lead an honest lifestyle. You’re honest with yourself, which is more than some other people can say. You think that that must count somewhere in the long run.