prompt 179, brick, Wall of Briggs

Aug 06, 2012 23:12

Title -- Wall of Briggs
Author-- cornerofmadness
series -- manga/anime
Disclaimer -- Arakawa owns all
Rating -- teen
Characters/Pairing -- Olivier
Word Count -- 206
Warning -- none
Summary -- She is only part of the Wall


They called her the Wall of Briggs, and even though she admitted had an ego, Olivier knew she was not the Wall, not all by herself. She was a mere brick in it; the keystone perhaps. Olivier knew her ego was what had gotten her exiled to the bitter north. The old toothless generals had feared her meteoric rise and even her family’s name and traditions weren’t quite enough to shield her - not that she’d accept protection.

Like Mustang to the East, she had taken what was considered a punishment and turned it into something so much more. They had expected her to fail, to beg a return to the more civilized regions with her tail between her legs. Instead, Olivier had carved out her wall of ice and snow and staffed it with other rejections, Buccaneer, Miles, cracked bricks that no one thought had a use. Together with all her men, they were transmuted, as her brother would say, into a force that the Drachmans feared and the military respected.

The Wall of Briggs, the last defense of the North, it was something to be proud of and in her own gruff way, she made sure every last one of her soldiers knew she was.

prompt 179, cornerofmadness

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