Title: Splish Splash
Author: Sonja Jade
Series: Brotherhood
Word Count: 213
Rating: T
Character(s): Roy, Havoc, Braeda, Ling, Ed
Summary: After getting higher than a giraffe’s ear balls, Roy decides to go for a dip in his aunt’s pool.
Warnings: Teen age boys smoking pot, skinny dipping, general stoner mischief.
Author's Notes: Part of the Stoner Series. Also, you might want to reference the song Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. So here's a
LINK to it for easy times.
Prompt: Stone
It was a hot summer night at Casa de Mustang, and Roy had invited his best friends and his new ‘contact’ and his protégé for a fellowship smoking circle. Nearly a quarter pound of pot later, they lounged at Roy’s bachelor pad, higher than moon in the darkening sky.
Braeda pulled his t-shirt off, slowly, as if he’d been switched into slow motion. “So hot,” he grumbled.
“Pool,” Ling gestured limply. He couldn’t seem to manage even a full sentence.
“Too stoned to swim,” Braeda snorted. “I’ll drown.”
Roy struggled to sit up, then got to his feet and stumbled to a storage closet. He awkwardly tossed a giant tube float into Braeda’s lap. Then he shucked out of his clothes, all of them, ran naked across the pool deck, and cannonballed right into the cold water.
“He must really be stoned to do that,” Ed grumbled.
Havoc laughed, “No, he’s just really stupid!”
From Roy’s pool house apartment, the rest of them could hear him singing softly and off key, “Jeremiah was a bullfrog! Duhnt-duh-duh, was a good frien’ of mine!”
He raised his head at the roars of laughter that floated to him on the night air. “Well, he was!” he called out. He couldn’t understand why they laughed even harder.