Title: Invisible, Unfortunately
Author: Antgone Rex
Series: Manga/Brotherhood
Word Count: 250
Rating: Teen
Characters: Al, Ed, Winry, Ed/Winry
Summary: Al overhears something he should not.
Notes: My first LiveJournal (though I’ve been on FFN for a while) and first non-Royai FMA fic. Be kind.
Al rarely complained. In the grand scope of things, he was pretty well off. After all, didn’t he have a capable, intelligent, famous brother who cared for him? Sure, Ed was a bit short tempered (both literally and figuratively) but Al loved him all the same. Overall, Al was happy.
He just wished they would stop forgetting he was there. Given his ample bulk, it seemed inconceivable. But there it was.
Sure, he understood his metal body made him seem like part of the scenery. More a prop than a person. And without movements that normally indicated life - things like breathing, for example - he could see why his friends sometimes forgot a soul inhabited his armored suit.
At times, it was annoying. At others, it put him in awkward situations.
This was one such occasion.
“Ed,” said a hurried, breathy whisper. “What if someone catches us?”
“Quit worrying, Winry.” replied a voice Al knew almost better than his own.
There came the soft ruffling of fabric and smooth shift of skin on skin.
Al was but 14, but his many sleepless nights wizened him beyond his years. Indeed, when Mustang finally mustered the courage to give the boys “the talk,” Al was shocked to discover he knew far more than his older brother.
Apparently, this was no longer true.
“But Ed…” Winry whispered.
Yes, Al rarely complained. But he did have his limits - now shattered by the furtive sounds nearby.
It was time to make his presence known.