Title: Caught Up Author: Sonja Jade Series: Brotherhood Word Count: 224 Rating: G Character(s): Havoc Summary: He really didn’t do anything, just made a few phone calls. Warnings: None Prompt: Ripple
Thank you for giving me a reason to fangirl Havoc here!!!! Yes, all he did was make a few phone calls because that's all he needed to do. He is effing awesome no matter what!
At first I was thinking of sand dunes rippled by the wind in Ishval, but then I looked up the definition and thought this would fit better. Glad you liked it :D (I swear we need to find a full frontal nude fan art of him for our Havoc shrine XD)
Havoc! HAVOC!! It's good to see him get the attention that he deserves. Those few calls DID cause an awesome ripple effect. Not only did the arms help, but it was a great psychological lift for "our" side. This is a fine little fic!
Comments 18
Also, nice use of the prompt! <3
I do love a good Havoc-centric fic :)
Havoc DID save the day! Really, quite literally! I love it!
He's still so badass, even after all of it, even sitting in a backwater town in the East.
Havoc never gives up. :)
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