Title: Stupid Brother
sexkitten426Series: first anime
Word Count: 216
Rating: G
Characters: Al, Ed
Summary: Siblings don't always get along
Warnings: none
“Brother is so stupid,” Al thought as he sat on the bank of the river near his home. He hefted a rock, initially pondered skipping it, then just chucked it straight in. It made a satisfying splash, but the noise reminded him of the sound his black crayon had made just a few minutes before. “Stupid brother!” he said aloud this time, tossing another stone. He blinked as the outermost ripple curved around a sandaled foot next to him that hadn’t been in the river a moment ago.
“I’m sorry, Al. I know I should’ve waited ‘til you were done coloring, but I just get too excited about these arrays. Anyways, look!” Ed said, abashed.
Al couldn’t stay mad at his brother, even if he was stupid & rushed his apologies. He looked at the crayon, now whole, in Ed’s palm. “How…?”
“That’s what I wanted to show you, Al. C’mon, you can break your own crayons this time!” Ed grinned down at Al, then hoisted him up onto his feet. “Race ya!” he shouted over his shoulder on his way back up to their house.
Al rushed after him, but not before scooping up some water in his cupped hands. He might not be mad anymore, but he could still enjoy a little well-deserved payback.