Title: Sorry
Author: Baroqueangel
Pairing/Characters: Ed, Roy
Rating: G, I can’t seem to get away from these family friendly fics.
Warning: A whole lot of angst. Character Death.
Timeline: Anime, anytime after Nina but before the ending.
Words: 500 - walking the wire, but not falling off XD
A.N: It’s so hard to write angst with such a restraining word limit. Don’t ask, it just kinda flew at me, I had the idea in my head for a while but I tried to ignore it. Obviously that idea failed, so here it is.
Summary: He was always saying sorry, but he'd never say it again.
I’m sorry. I seem to say that a lot to you but I mean it each and every time. I gambled and I lost, even if it wasn’t a mistake it was foolhardy and I’m sorry. Why can’t I stop saying that word? I’m a hot head, stubborn, I do what I want and don’t listen to others, I just charge in without thinking about the consequences. I’m not meant to apologise and yet I do it a lot. That’s why you love me though. And that’s why I’m here.
Dust began to settle around the fallen alchemist, it rained down from the broken floor above and forced him to shield his eyes. Blood poured steadily from the wound in his head where the beam had hit and he could feel consciousness slipping from him. His arm was broken; he could feel the pain, nothing new. The little girl curled in upon herself, staying as small as possible to avoid the falling debris as she cried silently, the tears washing away the soot and dust from her eyes.
I couldn’t leave her; she looked so like Nina standing at that window, the building falling down around her. I thought I could do it, I mean I’ve gambled all my life, not only with my own body and soul but my brothers too, another gamble that failed, I should have seen the pattern. Tell him I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t fix him first, I’m sorry I have to leave but he has friends, a family, he’s your responsibility now. He’ll understand why I had to do it, will you?
A cough, small and faint but there. A hand, reaching out to touch his flesh, to grasp fingers that he can barely feel. He opens his eyes and smiles weakly, he needs to reassure, he needs her to go on, he needs her to deliver a message. He opens his mouth and imparts his last words to her before life slips away.
I hope you understand, it’s not like I can change it now. We all gambled in one way or another, Al gambled on my strength, I gambled on my dumb luck and you…you gambled with your heart and for a while you were a winner but fortunes change, ours did.
The man looked up as the building fell, hands holding him back as he attempted to charge in. A figure in the settling wreck, moving amidst the smoke, small and frail. She approaches; her eyes open wide, tears still falling down her cheeks, clearly traumatised by what she has seen.
“Are you Colonel...” A cough, wracking the small body. He should lean down, should help her but he is frozen, “...Mustang?” A nod all he can manage. “The man, he said to say he was sorry. He said to say goodbye love.” He falls to his knees, a single sob escapes him before the pain becomes too much.
“EDWARD!” A scream, a last offering before overwhelming despair settles in.