Title: Tomorrow
starseed4Word Count: 249
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza
Summary: Past, present, future. Sometimes they bleed into one another.
East is lighter these days, shrouded in the haze of early morning sunshine. Roy smells the freshness as the air seeps in through his cracked office window, he inhales it deeply, a smile tugging at his face. Riza stands in the corner of the room placing files into cabinets and her hair is growing, Roy notices, it brushes down the nape of her neck and threatens to one day touch her shoulders. Roy is not sure he’s ever seen Riza with long hair and he pauses to wonder at it, the new mingling with the old and what is it that makes us do irrational things, he wonders, to pull ourselves out of what’s comfortable and into the unknown?
Riza is familiar and foreign at the same time to him, an enigma wrapped in the threats of her father and the intimacy of a secret shared between them three, sand and sun and Riza’s bare back staring him in the face, but not so bare, not now and not ever, smooth and then scarred and her hair was short then, he thinks, but one day it might be long. One day he might see that scar again and not feel so ashamed, or sick to his stomach. One day this will all be over and the world won’t feel so heavy. The air will seep in through their bedroom window and Roy will caress her shoulder, press kisses into her collarbone and whisper, this is it. This is today.