Title: Grandma's Attic
Author: capnhoozits
Series: Brotherhood/Manga (post series)
Word Count: 248
Rating: G
Characters: Ed and Winry
Summary: Winry goes exploring.
Disclaimer: I do this for love, not money.
Wondering where Winry had gotten to, Ed climbed the stairs to the second floor and searched around. Not finding her anywhere, he headed to the other end of the house. Just as he expected, the ladder to the attic had been pulled down. Standing at the foot of it, he heard quiet weeping, not what he had expected.
Climbing the steps, he popped his head up through the opening and looked around. Winry was sitting on an old trunk, a wad of white fabric gathered in her lap, crying. Ed climbed the rest of the way and went to sit beside her, putting his arm around her. She leaned into him.
“What’s the matter, Winry?” he asked gently, giving her a squeeze.
“I…I came up here to explore…and I found this!” Winry sniffed and held up the fabric, a wedding dress by the look of it. “This…this was…my mom’s!”
“Oh.” None of the significance was lost on Ed. Her mother would never see her in it. He wasn’t so full of himself that the sheer joy of getting married to him would make up for that. “Well…uh…I’m sure she always pictured you in it.”
Winry spread her arms to expose her pregnant belly. “It’s not gonna fit, Ed!” she snapped.
Ed had to chuckle. That, at least, was fixable. “I’m pretty sure Granny won’t mind altering it. You’ll look gorgeous!”
“And pregnant,” Winry sighed.
Ed gave her another squeeze and a kiss. “Gorgeously pregnant.”
That got a smile.