Title: Following Orders
evil_little_dogRating: Teen
Warnings: Language, mentions of situational violence, child exploitation.
Prompt: I'd love to see something going wrong during a lead for the Philosopher's Stone or some other kind of military operation, and Ed's the one who gets hurt because of it, leading Mustang to realize (again) the
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I appreciated that you had Winry and Pinako show up. And there was some nice angst from Mustang.
Of course Winry and Pinako were going to show up. Now you know why I was nattering on about that a couple of weeks ago.
I noticed that, yes. :) For the record, when I wrote that unfinished Ed!Torture fic, Winry got called. Not Pinako, but that's because they were kind of trying to keep things on the down-lo. Winry didn't get told what happened until she got there.
I might like to see that story one day. Even if it is unfinished.
I'm sure sometime I'll have a really bad day and/or get stuck in the airport being rerouted to Korea and then I'll finish it. I don't like to see things languish indefinitely. I'm a finisher. A finisher of things. That get finished.
I should probably go make dinner; I'm starting to get a bit punchy.
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