(no subject)

Mar 03, 2010 23:54

March 10

Title: Stormy May Day
Author: Catie Storm/catystorm 
Betas: moumusu & starving4scotch 
Artist: Poi
Genre: Fusion AU
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Hints of both Roy/Ed and Al/Mei.
Warnings: AU, mashup of both anime/manga canon; violence; Ed's rather extensive and occasionally offensive vocabulary.
Summary: Roy goes missing, Ed is captured and Al saves them both. (With maybe a little help from Winry and Mei.) Supernatural/Fullmetal Alchemist fusion!fic.

Fic Post

Art Postpoilass


March 11

Title: No Sound of Water

Beta: the ever fabulous, bob_fish 
Artists: DarkRyan75potato_mouse

Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ling/Ran Fan (UST), Fuu
Warnings: mild, action based violence and lots and lots of sand

Summary: As the Yao clan's only hope for the throne, Ling decides it is time for action. Along with his most trusted retainers, he sets off on a dangerous journey through the Great Desert in search of immortality. But is this all he is searching for?  When familial relations reach their breaking point, she and her grandfather, Fuu, leave with their young master on his quest for greater power. But what else will they find along the way?

Notes: This was written for the 2009-2010 FMA Big Bang Challenge. This was the first story of this size I have ever attempted, and while it was definitely a challenge, I really enjoyed stretching my wings. I hope you enjoy it!

Fic Post - FF.net
Fic Post - LJ

Art Post - darkryan75
Art Post - potato_mouse


March 12

Title: Miss the Girl

Author: evil_little_dog

Betas: cornerofmadness & suspicious

Artists: dreamer1789 & Yoporock.

Genre: Mystery/Angst

Rating: Teen edging into Adult for violence.

Pairing/Characters: Edward/Winry UST, Al/Paninya, Al/Various Others, Riza/Roy.

Warnings: Future!Fic, triptych piece for Miss the Journey and Nothing Gold Can Stay but it isn’t necessary for you to have read either of those ficlets to understand this story.  Violence, murder, alcohol abuse, light mentions of drug use, light mentions of multiple-partner sex.  Oh, and language, though warning you of language in an FMA fic just seems like overkill.

Summary: After being away for many years, Edward and Alphonse return to East City to find Winry Rockbell being hunted by a sadistic murderer.  Can they find him and repair their relationship with Winry before it's too late?

Fic Post
Art Post - dreamer1789
Art Post - Yoporock

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