Iron Smut Breakup contestant ring!

Oct 04, 2008 16:41

Hello, and welcome to
Iron Smut Breakup
bringing this contest back from a nearly 2-year hiatus!

Today's board of contestants will be:

Please join the Church of Elric IRC server and go to the room #ironsmutring for coordination. There will not be individual assistants this year, so time prompts as well as answers to any questions you have will come through there.

Contestants will have half an hour to plan their story, and then ninety minutes to write. Every ten minutes, the assistants will prompt the contestants to post. Contestants, start a thread in this post below, and continue to make your comments in that post so it's all in one place. If anyone has any questions, just ask me.

Edit 5:00 PM
And the theme for today is...

"This relationship has failed."

The pairing is open field; you may write ANY pairing you wish. However, whatever pairing you choose, the story you write must be the end of that relationship, forever.

Who is in the relationship, how the relationship began, why it has failed, and why they are having sex one last time despite everything is up to you, authors. Good luck...

You will have 30 minutes to plan your story before you begin to write, starting now.

Edit 5:30 PM
Contestants, the planning period is up. Begin writing your fic now. You will be prompted to post every 10 minutes. Please reply to your own comments on this post, in other words, keep the entire story in one thread.

Edit 7:00 PM
Because I am nice the contestants each get an extra 10 minutes to write, if they should need it :) The writing will close at 7:10 PM.

Edit 7:10 PM
Contestants, the writing period is now CLOSED! Thanks for all your hard work, everyone! \o/

Voting is now open. Watchers, please read all the fics and cast your votes. You may cast two votes. Cast your vote by replying to the end of each story's thread. You will have 20 minutes to read and vote, and then the winner will be declared!

Edit 7:30 PM

zakai_, with a total of 5 votes!

And... coming in second place, sky_dark, inugrlrayn and annepackrat are actually all tied at 3 votes apiece! O.o Wow, looks like we had some really closely matched talent this year!

Congratulations zakai_, and thanks to everyone -- participants and spectators -- who came!

iron smut, iron breakup

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