This was mostly fun to read. You got over my WSOD problem with zombies in the FMAverse with Roy's explanation of his experiments -- well done! The characters interacted ... characteristically :-), keeping my sympathy throughout. ("D+. See me after class." [chortle]). And the rampaging zombies are nice and horrific. But I'm a little uneasy with the pacing -- the amount of set-up had me convinced that this story would run longer than it did; I expected a bit more zombie-fighting, perhaps, before they were able to reach the crypt and do the necessary. And I admit to feeling cheated that everyone survived, particularly since everyone admits that reviving Ed violates a taboo. Horror stories often function like morality plays -- if you transgress the laws of the cosmos to serve your own desires, cosmic justice comes back to thump you hard, usually with the unintended consequences of your action. And you're usually not permitted to profit from your transgression: you have to throw back the amulet of power, or use the last wish to cancel out the preceding ones, or sacrifice something of great value to solve the problem (your own life or a loved one's). So the ending's unsatisfying to me. 7 out of 10? :-)
>_> Roy is still in the hospital bed...maybe he's going to discover later that he can't do alchemy anymore?
Eh, Riza's jogging partner was eaten alive and is probably dead at the end of the story...but not mention, I guess it's because Riza wasn't there.
Oh man, I keep expecting Edward to be Brought Back Wrong at the beginning of the story, glad I was wrong...or for Mustang to turn into a zombie n the apartment.
Eh, Riza's jogging partner was eaten alive and is probably dead at the end of the story...but not mention, I guess it's because Riza wasn't there.
Oh man, I keep expecting Edward to be Brought Back Wrong at the beginning of the story, glad I was wrong...or for Mustang to turn into a zombie n the apartment.
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