The 2007 FMA Zombie Apocalypse Contest

Jun 17, 2007 22:06

A shadow falls over Central*... A cold, foul-smelling wind blows through the streets in an eerie quiet. Then, at the very edge of hearing, comes an eerie, hair-raising moan. Slowly, but inexorably, they come into sight; the recent dead of Amestris, hideously risen to walk again.

What could possibly have happened to cause all this? Is it a voodoo curse? An alchemy experiment gone horribly wrong? Some twisted machination of the Gate? Whatever it is, it marks the opening of the

2007 FMA Zombie Apocalypse Contest

It's summer, so it's time to get our zombie selves in gear! This contest is open to all comers, all pairings, all ratings and all genres. Your story can be a drabble or an epic, a grim tale of horror or a piece of complete crack; adventure or survival or even romance, so long as it's set in the background of a Zombie Apocalypse.

What exactly does Zombie Apocalypse mean? Basically, it means that the recent dead arise and walk Amestris, eager to feed on the flesh of the living. We aren't just talking one or two select characters turned into zombies or homunculi for kinky sex purposes** but a full on zombie attack on civilization. The reason for it, the mechanism and the outcome are all up to you.

The contest will open on June 20th and run until August 31st, 2007. You have over two months to get your zombie motors runnin'. There is no minimum or maximum fic length limit, although of course long fics usually have a voting advantage over shorter ones.

Specifics of judging and voting will be dependent on the number of participants who actually submit, but there will be both contest judges and also popular vote.

The prize for the winning entry will be the winner's choice between a $15 gift certificate for, or a brand new copy of Max Brook's The Zombie Survival Guide. Second prize will be the alternate choice to the first prize.


Well, first, obviously, write the fic. Then send it by e-mail to mikkeneko AT gmail DOT com with the following header, and I'll post it on fma_7sins with the identifying information stripped out. The fics will be kept anonymous until the winner is decided, at which point all author names will be revealed.

The submission header:

Author's name
Author's LJ (if different from above)
Word count of fic

Fic title
Fic rating (PG-NC17)
Pairings (if any)
Spoilers (if any)
Warnings (aside from zombies)
A single line from your fic which will serve as a summary.

Good luck, campers!

*Or Munich. Or Riesenburg. Or Xerxes. Or some random nowhere town that Ed and Al are investigating. Any of the above works.
**Which is not to say that kinky sex purposes are out of the question.

contest, zombie

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