April Fools' Fic Challenge: CLAIMS POST

Mar 08, 2007 21:16

Okay, the Request Post is now closed. The following people left claims there, which means that you are all now officially part of the challenge -- pay attention! ;)

lukita, box_of_doom, seaweed_fma, cryogenia, asingulargirl, les_mis_24601, evil_kat, alphawolfjason, velvet_mace, selkie_queen, ravenbell, ankoku_tenshi, militsa, siberian_tyger, mikkeneko, semipertinent, jenioctavia, and nomdeplume13

Everyone in this list has to claim someone else's request. It's first-come first-serve. Comments on this post will be screened. As each request is claimed, I'll strike it out of the list. (If you try to claim one that's already been claimed, I'll let you know; otherwise, assume it's yours.) This post will remain open for as long as it takes all requests to be claimed, but remember, the longer you wait, the less time you'll have to do yours -- and if you don't pick a request on your own, and some requests end up unclaimed, you may be assigned one.

So here are the claims!
Louis Alex Armstrong/Motoko Gai (Naruto,) Youth and Beauty
Ed, Al and Winry, cute kids with dangerous machines.
Ed and Al explore the word of sex, toys, and chocolate.
Roy and Hughes, academy fic, stuck in the dorms- snowstorm.
Genderswitch Hei/Ed, an unexpected turn of events.
Roy/Ed/Al, a picnic basket and a river.
Greed, Kimbley, and Bathtub Gin.
Greed, Ed, Ling, a bike, a grammophone, French music (accordians)
Hawkeye, Lust, and Ed; genderswap, an experiment with a conspiracy
Gate/Anyone contest of wills.
Hohenheim, Trisha, Ed and/or Al's conception.
Armstrong/Mustang - dessert and inappropriate touching
Roy, Ed, Al, and Ling, In Xing, Ling's family, accident/failure in rentanjutsu.
Havoc/Roy, indiscreet event in bathroom, include towel snapping.
Paninya/Winry and Russell/Ed, coffee, music, the colour red.
Roy, Ling - contest over Ed, one-upmanship
Breda, Havoc, and Fuery, silly drinking games.
Armstrong gives Breda tips on impersonating him accurately.

Rules and info post here!

contest, april fools

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