Title: Best Fanfiction Ever Part II
kaltia and
sockren with contributions by
Genre: Romance, Yaoi.
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Roy x Ed
Summary: Ed graspid Roy's manly meat stik and sed 'eye luf u too roi'
Part One roi corned ed in teh office. 'hi ed' he sed. 'omigod, roi, dis is soooo not teh time', ed sed as he jumped out of teh window butt roi folled nedward elric and jumped out of teh window 2. 'hagaren no' he sed. 'i niid 2 talk 2 u.'
'wot iz it dis tiem, roi'? ed demanded, trubbled, bcus wen roi used taht tone there cud onli b trubble ahed and trubble wuz scari and trubblesome. 'i just hed sex wif havok but he dumped mi ed,' Roi replyed, scratching his crotch. he pulled an array frum his pants and gave it 2 ed. 'So I want u to get back et him for mi.'
ed i'd teh arry suspishusly. "Wtf u frek," he sed, "im not toching taht, its ben down ur pants!" "so have u," sed roi. ed wuz confused for a minute. 'When did i get down your pants?' he exclammed. 'when we had sex with enbi!111!!q11' Roy remmed him. 'ohh,' sed ed. 'wuz it any gud?' 'No,' roi mummed. 'u suc in bed.' 'not me, u hoor', ed snaped. 'evny. waz he ne goid?' 'he wos better tahn ur brother,' roi pinted oot. u hed sex with my broher? ed sed! 'oh yeah' Roi sed. 'i rocked his world and used a vibrater.' 'a VIBRAT0R?????' sputed ed, shoked. 'mi bruther dunt do kincy stfuf like taht, roi, u filthi lier!' 'ur rong!' sed roi, an transformd in2 evny. teh reel roi walked arund the corner. 'Ed?!!!1111' he sed. 'r u cheating on mi wif Enbi!?"
'omfgNO' ed repled, horyfed. 'i wud nevr do taht, u prikc!' 'dunt ifnore me,' envy sed envusly Roi flipped enbi the bird. 'Ed is mind' he sed and den tackled ed, ripping off his close wif alkemie. 'thats not fer' envy compleened, but blak hayet jumed at him fromme a large bush and roi ripped offfe edwardo's close again just to mek sure dey were really offe. "i love you so much edward,' he sed. 'don't marry enbi, marry me. u r pregnant with my love childe.'
'roi,' ed confesed, 'its not urs. itas als. he dunt no yet. i woz gunna cal is royina.'
'you betrayd mi?!' Roi said. He still dedn't git offe ed cuz ed was naked and well... roi's kinda skanky.
'not taht muhc,' ed pratosted. 'al's having ur babi wile hes at it.'
'oh mi gawd,' roi breathed. 'his metal uterus is full of life from my steaming loins?!'
'something liek that,' ed said pissfully, stroking rois hair cos he loffed roi so much. 'but mostly hes just having moodswigns. wanna fukc me?' roi was proud dat his fyrey man stick hed produced life so he deceded to cheat on al anyway. 'okay,' he sed. 'ride deh mustang.' 'w00t', sed ed, and ripped off roi's clothes before presing his hed down to roi's v-junction of lurv and taking his sausage in his moth. roi whinnied like a poni and thrust his swolloen tubesock in 2 eds mouf. 'omg ed,' he sed.'dis is sooo gud.'
'o' ed moned as he likked an stfu, 'ur fleshy spoon of ice crem-makeing tastes liek teh best thing i have eva eatan!'
roi knew dat his penis was rocky road flabored becuz he cud give himsef blowjobs cuz he was fleckshible. 'swallow my joystick of lurve, pumpkincakes.' 'of curse,' ed sed, an suked long and hard. roi was jsut abut to go into a ner-termenal bath of pleasure wen a noo vioce stoped thme. 'stop' sed the nei voise. it wuz the gost of Mays Hughez. 'omg roi,' he sed. 'can eye get in on teh acshion?!'
'no, u stooped strait fukwit,' roi replied crossly. he woz cross. 'ur see-thru. u cant evn touhc us!' hughez wuz upset but dat was okay. He culd just watch. 'Oh ed,' roi sed. ed bent over backwards and kised roi's lower bak while hiz super blond hair covered roi's eyez and he swalloed roi's mightee ramrod too Rey spred his legz wied aprat an sed, 'ur speshul, fulmetal'.
ed moaned, ' omg give me ur 1derful manjuices, daddi'
'dadi?' roi sputtred. mi name is not hohanhi=air! i am not ur favver!' 'thats not wat u sed to al last nite,' ed said slyly and den roi came like a train into teh station. he hollared another poni noise and emptied his blissful sacks of rice into ed's willing tooth-holding place. 'omgwtfasdlkfjaslkdfjasd' he cried. ed choked and gaged den sed, 'u tast liek cheries' and teht held hands and roi teered up. 'ed' he sad, 'i luv u liek ive nevr lovd ne1 bfore. wil u b mien?'
edd cried 'oh mi mightee steed, ride me nto da sunset and al and enbi and havoc too'
An so dey al went 2 have a massif grop orgy 4 eva an eva until teh next cahpter of tihs fanfik.
If there was ever any proof needed that Lust and Envy are the best writer ever, here it is.