Mar 16, 2005 16:58
remember when I first started training JKD(and all that it encompasses!) I was really gung ho.
I mean I am now... but anyway-
David and I started especially taking a liking to the Kali. We spent hours on end making these knifes for training and cord wrapping sticks and shives and clubs and swords and oh, the weaponry was excessive. I whiddled down two really good looking training knives- stained them to a dark finish- muah. Dave made a few knives out of some stainless steel.
We had these extravagantly decorated and colored sticks with padded handles and electrical tape and spirals and stripes and WHOA! We were into it. Heavenssix, sombrata, baston y daga, elastico drills and the like.
Then Dave and would train these drills: both partners have a knife in a hand(say the left). The empty hand(right) grabs the knife hand of the opponent.
Drill point: keep the opponents knife away from you while simultaneously trying to attack opponents stomach. (We attack the stomach to simulate the furthest, most elusive body part in this instance.)
Then we were training outside with the sweet(rule number one, boasting: broken) knives I carved and we were going at it. We would try our best to find a strip, control the body, attack the elbow, change levels...
And on this note we find the meaning of my ambiguous title. Dave, with his icepick(earth) grip had dropped down to stab my precious toes. Me, the slick one with the footwork, shuffled my foot back. Not body, just saving the feet.
"Haha," I thought, "can't get them toes, they's protected by 'runners insurance'." And in my moooooment of glory I made a picture perfect angle7(like an overhead hook) that I had planned to put into Dave's throat. Oh yezm, I was out for blood.
So was Dave.
He came right back up from the ground with a kind of angle2/ karate up-block. Remember ice pick grip. mmhmm. Stopped my attack whilst skillfully putting the point of his training knife in the corner of my eye.
Cheeky bastard kept swinging too.
I mean what, were we training for real or something? Gee.
Ah well. That was when we learned that perhaps... maybe, possibility there may be a chance that
A rubber training knife is a good investment...