I watched her from behind a brush that was seperatin' me from the sand. Guess she was done with Dawn already - hysterical bit she was and I never even realized how close her and Harry were. Odd that but I havent' been around, I wouldn't know. But, I do know who Dawn is and I know who Harry is and I guess ... well, I just won't get into that. Least
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"I don't know." I grinned down at him a little bit. "It doesn't really belong to me. I was kind of living there because Faith and Harry said I could." I shrugged. Maybe I should have tried harder to find my own place and somehow found another job so I could afford an apartment on my own instead of having to rely on Faith for everything. She just made it really easy.
"But I guess, I mean....we could still be roomies. Cordy offered me a job which I'm hoping will still be waiting for me in LA when I get back. Job means I could pay rent, we could get an apartment and be...roomies."
We didn't rush into anything. Wait. We'd already passed the rushing. The rushing that took a couple of hours to get out of our systems. Ooops?
Oh yes. Definately more than just roomies. She knew that too.
"Right. We'll get a one bedroom and be roomies, eh?"
Maybe that was jumping in too deep? "Nah," I recovered - then wondered why I was. What the bloody hell was wrong with me? "We'll get a two ... or ... well, to be quite honest, something could change. We both knew how testy you are," I teased with a grin on my face.
"But, gettin' a job would be nice - for me ... I think I need to get away from the Wolfram and Hart buildin'. Nothin' but bad, pet, nothin' but bad and ..." I was goin' to add in somethin' about Angel, but I decided against it.
"I just need a change."
"You're going to get a job?" I quirked an eyebrow in his direction. "A job that doesn't entail stealing or cheating or gambling or lying? I'll believe that when I see it. And if it involves kittens please never tell me about it."
I had a job with Cordelia, maybe she would need another vampire with a soul around to help now that Angel sold out to an evil law firm. Then again, I'd done the office romances before and they never ended well. But if we were really going to be roomates he was going to have to chip in too.
"Maybe we can just keep the beach house."
Funny how things change.
"Maybe not, but I figure I should ... I dunno. I'd work at a bar or the sort, be able to get pissed everynight. Least the kitchen would be fully stocked with Jack all the time," I nodded and sighed, lookin' up at her.
"Think we could. Don't think Harry would mind all that much," I told her. "Think Angel would be relieved also that I wasn't goin' to be around him all the time, not that I have been lately .. just ..." I trailed off and shrugged.
The smile on my face quickly faded when Spike just had to bring up Angel again. Great. And jealousy once again rears it's ugly head. It's funny to think about how possessive I used to be of Angel. I suppose I still am in some ways because in alot of ways he'll always be mine first but lately it was bothering me alot more that Spike seemed to be his first. Which was so not true. And why did I even care?
Well, I guess that was obvious.
Spike's hands strayed to my hips and I quickly pushed them back down to the sand, effectively pinning him down under my small weight. "What's the story with you and Angel? Is there something you want to tell me, Spike?"
Kinda liked it. Now anyway.
I grinned when she pinned me down. She wanted another go? I tilted my chin up to look at her but from the look, that wasn't what this was. What did I do now?
"The ... what, love?" I smiled shyly and looked away before lookin' back up at her again. "There is no story and nothin' to tell you." Which was the truth because honestly, I had no idea what she was talkin' about. I tried movin' my hands back up to her hips, but she quickly pushed them back down again.
"Okay, what is this?" I asked her when I realized that I wasn't goin' anywhere for a while. Truth was, I could move if I really wanted to but since I'm likin' where she was, I decided against it.
"Don't believe I know what you're talkin' about, pet."
He said it was for me, but I knew the truth. There was something between him and Angel that I really couldn't break down or understand despite the fact that they were mine first. I didn't care how badly Angel wanted to argue that they were eachother's first. They were evil then, it doesn't count.
"I'm talking about you and Angel. I mean, last time I checked you hated eachother's guts and now you're practically glued to his hip." I arched an eyebrow in his direction. Normally I would say that there was no way in hell but with the way Angel had been acting lately re: Harry I wasn't sure what to think about either one of them.
Maybe I should just grab Faith and run off somewhere and let them all wander about us. Actually, no. They would probably like that.
That's how it always was, and always will be.
"I urge you to take that back, little girl," I said and raised my eyebrow. "I am not now, nor ever will be glued to that wankers hip!" I was not.
I sighed and laid back. She wasn't gettin' off of me anytime soon and she wasn't goin' to let this go anytime soon. I'd just stay away from him. And stop talkin' about him.
My God, it does seem that I have a thing for him, but that was only one time -- or so he says and that was totally different than this!
"He's ..." I sighed and finally looked up at her.
"No. This is stupid and I'm not glued to his hip and for the record? I still do hate him."
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