alternatealto had a fun thread going on this a few days ago, and I just saw some new info on house_cuddy that has inspired me to revisit.
7X16 "Out of the Chute"
We know that Cuddy has dumped House, that he and Wilson go off to some kind of resort with a pool, umbrella drinks, and massage, and that at one point House is standing precariously on the railing of a balcony with Wilson watching from below.
7X17 "Fall from Grace"
GY has remarked that someone is going to die, and promos suggest that House has invited Cuddy (in very somber-looking clothes) and Wilson to his apartment for some kind of event.
7X18 "The Dig"
This is the episode in which Thirteen returns. Filming locations include a motel, House's car, and a jail or detention center.
7X19 "The Last Temptation"
Filming at a yacht club. Masters' last episode.
7X20 "Changes"
Filming at Arlene's house, someone gets married, and House/Cuddy/Arlene have a scene together outside the Fox gym.
7X21 "The Fix"
GY claims to be "shaking it up" in this episode. Filming at a bar, boxing gym, and burger joint.
Okay. So I have this obsession with episode (and story) titles that allude to multiple things - on the show, generally the POTW and some House regular's personal subplot. "Out of the Chute" clearly refers to the POTW being a bull rider, but apparently it's also a phrase meaning "from the beginning." I don't know anything about the POTW for "Fall from Grace," but given that House was about to walk off a balcony the previous week, someone is going to die, and Cuddy is wearing a sober black suit to House's apartment, I'm guessing that she and Wilson are there for the reading of House's will. I think that "The Dig" refers to House's funeral/burial, the reason for Thirteen's return. (Although others have speculated that this might actually refer to House being excavated from the collapsed building at the end of S6, and therefore Thirteen would have returned because she had never in fact left.)
Now, I am not saying that any of these events are "for realz" - as far as I can tell, all or part of S7 might well have been a Housian hallucination. But hear me out. The NEW info, the title "The Last Temptation," strongly suggests "The Last Temptation of Christ" by Nikos Kazantzakis, made into a controversial film by Martin Scorsese. It features Jesus being tempted away from his true calling, to die for the greater good, by visions of the life he could have had as a normal, happily married man. Fits right in with House's belief that people will die if loving Cuddy makes him a crappy doctor, doesn't it?