You might slip an Iron Man movie in there; I think you'll like them. (Although I do recommend starting with the first one because otherwise you're missing all the backstory. And it's also a good idea to watch the Avengers movie before I.M.3 -- again, backstory.)
Yes, my RL beta told me that I should watch The Avengers first and then the rest of them... which is why I haven't gotten around to it yet, so much of an investment, lol.
I liked this movie a lot more than I liked the first one on first viewing. Not that this says very much.
I hated the first one. That's what lead me to decide not to bother with Abrams anymore. I'm not looking forward to what he does with Star Wars either, though after the travesty of episodes 1-3 I know that at least I won't be disappointed.
It's hard to imagine. On the other hand, coming up with something worse is an interesting challenge. Possibly by going cross-genre? Hmmm...the movie follows a group of teenage Jedi-in-training, done as a soap opera, titled Jedi Nights. Half romance tropes with trite dialogue and half action scenes as things blow up for no apparent reason.
And gratuitous boobs. Gotta compete with ST, after all.
That's disturbing. Sometimes I use things stored in my subconscious without really sorting out where they came from. I didn't watch 2 but I did hear a lot about it, so the resemblance is probably due to that.
I think I'll have to go back and watch the original Star Trek movies, at least II, III, and IV, to clear this one out of my head.
I hated the first one. That's what lead me to decide not to bother with Abrams anymore. I'm not looking forward to what he does with Star Wars either, though after the travesty of episodes 1-3 I know that at least I won't be disappointed.
And gratuitous boobs. Gotta compete with ST, after all.
Wait a minute, your description pretty much matches that of the second recent Star Wars movie.
I still like my title better, though.
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