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Mar 15, 2006 22:13

From the journal of Terence Benjamin Boot

[Serving as a bookmark is a sprig of Artemisia abrotanum that has left behind a small yellow stain and the lingering scent of lemon from being pressed between the pages.]

15 March, 2001/Canterbury, England

Susan has taken it upon herself to turn our suite of rooms in this half-dilapidated old manor house into a pleasant reminder of our home back in China, even going as far as to paint the main door a bright lacquer red -- without the aid of magic, no less. Don't ask me how she managed to get nearly as much on herself as the door, but she did.

I will say that getting her cleaned up afterward (and Topper too, after he decided to inspect the inside of the paint bucket) was more than worth whatever mess the two caused.

Quite the little family we've become since moving to Canterbury.

Michael seems to have warmed up to Susan this last little while to which I am very glad of. I even noticed them quietly laughing over some private joke this morning at breakfast. Their good cheer continued long after when he prompted me as to what day it was; and I, of course, told him that it was four days before the new moon and six before the Vernal Equinox, which meant the Monk's Hood needed to be harvested and the mature Hellebore trimmed back before it got too gangly...

I'd completely forgotten today is the Ides of March. I've been so wrapped up in everything -- worrying about getting Michael sorted, helping Neville out in the greenhouse and trying to coax as many smiles as I can from Susan that it just slipped my mind like so many other things have lately.

I need to try and contact our parents soon.
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