Don't breathe too deep

Jul 11, 2006 17:02

*needs that deep breath, let me tell you.*

Ow. So I only have a very, very limited time before I go off to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yet again. Having just walked like five miles, I am dead tired. But! Second day news:

First of all, I started telling Katie about Bren and Rania. She enjoyed it. I will need such a shower tonight... anyhoo.

So yesterday, after I posted, I went to hear this speaker on Cambridge and Jesus college. It used to be a nunnery. But when it closed (as a nunnery) there were two nuns left, and seemingly one was drunk and senile and the other was pregnant. ...I shall wait for you to absorb that. Got it? Right.

So... yeah. Then came dinner. And then stuff. Lent Katie my shower, played a drop of piano, and went to bed. This morning I woke up at about five am, again, having realized it was actually light outside. That's getting bloody annoying. Anyway, though, I woke again with my alarm at 615, as I needed to write a letter. A letter requesting a course switch. So I handed that in at an obscenely early hour (Actually 830, but still.) And then I went to drama class, having vaguely discussed my poem with my partner (and her poem) a couple of times. I had that Shakespeare sonnet "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" We did this hugely long warm up, really relaxing and stuff. I lvoed it. And we did stuff about body movement types and I played this lovely really tired teacher (mode I used was Glide: light, direct, and sustained. Don't ask). We also got an assignment to write three pages of unlined paper a night, with thoughts on acting and our experience here and stuff. She also had a library we were to check stuff out from, and one of the books was The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. So I get to read that now.

We played some great games, and we're doing this awesome thing with patterns, and we just stood in a row and had half the class watch us earlier. I stood like they did in Seasons of Love and had it playing in my head (screensaver for my brain). So I wasn't bothered by people staring at me. And then this other thing, and... yeah. Oh! When I read my poem, people actually clapped. I know I didn't clap for them. So I was extremely flattered. Of course, I have like the most beautiful sonnet ever. But anyway.

The nice thing about my Drama assignment is that it may force me into writing things like scenes and plotbunnies and such. Like my scene with the brothers in a tavern and the poor bar-girl.

Anyway, afterwards I went to lunch with Katie, Anna, Ann, Alexis, Anna, and Laura (All various girls from camp; Laura likes TDS). Nice little place in the college (Tuck Shop). Got a good Panini and ice cream for only £3.50. There was this scavenger hunt idiocy after lunch, but Jesse, Ann, Laura, and I just decided to go walking. Eventually we split (I managed to get about £30 more) and Laura and I walked down to the Botanical gardens. It took forever let me tell you. We got... somewhat lost along the way, actually, and I rambled incessantly about HQ bookness. Anyway. She's not the best, sometimes, but... still. Also! Vivian from school is here. I was stunned to see her. I doubt she even knows my name, though.

So I should find out soon if I can get into the CW class. Damn, I hope so. If not, I'll just talk to the teacher (his name's Michael) about writing incessantly and make him read something of mine. Permaybehaps my Green and Grey fic, or else I'll write something small and nice with the lunatic blond couple. And as soon as I have a proper chance to, I will get pictures onto a computer and put them up.

Anyway... yeah. It is currently 530. I got about an hour to get back, and about twenty minutes before I gotta get off. (Sorry, my Captain, if I miss you as a result.)

I am so, so exhausted. I should know by tomorrow at the latest if I got into my class. *hopes and prays so* So I'll be off soon, I guess. Love you all.

EDIT: Did I mention I kicked AP ass?

writing, trips: england

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