Here's part one of my 50 favorite scenes from the sixth season of Grey's Anatomy. My favorites are Arizona, Callie, Lexie and Mark- so if you don't like them you probably won't like this. Just a warning. :) I'll post scenes 1-25 within the next couple of days.
If you're on Tumblr, I've picspammed most of these scenes already. They may be a little different. Want to reblog a certain scene? Just
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#50; "This message was brought to you by the Harper Avery Foundation."
CRISTINA: You know, Webber really came up with the idea to take out the liver. Maybe if Owen agreed to take his name of.
MEREDITH: Will you give it up? Hunt was more than halfway done by the time the idea even surfaced. There’s no Harper Avery.
JACKSON: No, it’s not a waste. It’s exactly what my grandfather had in mind when he came up with the stupid thing. Find some way to keep surgeons motivated. Make them take it to the next level, even if they’re already at the top of their game. And that’s exactly what it did today.
CRISTINA: This message was brought to you by the Harper Avery Foundation of America. [Meredith laughs] Donations to the foundation can be made at www dot nepotism-
JACKSON: You’re kind of a bitch, you know that? [leaves]
CRISTINA: What? It was inspiring! [Meredith and Cristina laugh]
#49; "We can't go to Spain!"
CALLIE: No, it doesn’t make any sense! Everybody wants a kid and you of all people- you wear roller skates for shoes! I don’t get it.
ARIZONA: You know what?! I don’t know! Maybe there’s something wrong with me! Cause it’s not natural, it’s not womanly. Maybe I’m cold and heartless and dead inside!
CALLIE: No, I’m not saying that!
ARIZONA: Well, yeah, but a little bit, you are!
CALLIE: No! [sits on the bed with Arizona] You know what? Just humor me for one minute, okay? Close your eyes. [Arizona is reluctant] Close your eyes. [Arizona closes her eyes] Now picture a baby. A warm, smushy little baby. Wrapping its chubby little arms around your neck. Breathing that intoxicating baby smell. Doesn’t it just melt you?
ARIZONA: Nope. You know what melts me? Spain. The beach. You in a bikini. Me holding a sangria. Oh. Wait! What’s that I hear? Oh. The baby’s crying. We can’t go to Spain!
CALLIE: [walks toward the door] A sangria? That’s why I don’t get a kid? I can make you a freaking sangria.
#48; "...just having a va-va-vacation in Lesbianland?"
CALLIE: Um. This is really hard for me to say. Cause I really care about you, and-
ARIZONA: Oh my God, you’re breaking up with me. Mark? Is-is-is it Mark? Are you sleeping with Mark, again? Are you one of those fake lesbians, just having a va-va-vacation in Lesbianland?
CALLIE: Stop. God. It’s not bad. This thing I have to tell you isn’t bad. Um, I just.. I wanna have a baby at some point in my life. That’s all. I really.. I have to have a baby. [Arizona pulls her hands away from Callie]
#47; "He's my work husband."
CALLIE: That’s just because they’re husband and work wife.
MIRANDA: Excuse me?
CALLIE: The chief’s your work husband, and you’re his work wife. You look out for each other. You take care care of each other. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s like me and Sloan.
MARK: Excuse me?
CALLIE: Nobody’s talking to you. He’s my work husband, but he has a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. But, nothing going on between us.
MARK: Well, I mean, there was at one point.
CALLIE: You’re not helping.
MIRANDA: Neither one of you are helping. Adele, I promise you there is nothing going on.
ADELE: Something is going on because he hasn't been in his bed all week.
MARK: Really?
ADELE: The last time he acted like this- disappearing, sleeping at the hospital every night- he was with Ellis Grey. He might not be having an affair with you-
MIRANDA: He's not. I promise you. I promise you. He's not.
ADELE: Okay. But wife-wife to work-wife, someone in this hospital is sleeping with our husband.
#46; Mark&Lexie elevator scene.
#45; "Lots of cool medical supplies to play with."
ALEX: What about that? That spot. See it?
ARIZONA: Ohh. That was lint.
ALEX: It doesn't make sense. I mean, no kid wants to be the loser missing class to go to the hospital. I don't care how lame you are.
ARIZONA: I loved the hospital when I was a kid. No school. Lots of cool medical supplies to play with... Okay, yeah. So let's go over it again.
#44; "I get it now."
ARIZONA: McDreamy.
DEREK: I'm sorry?
ARIZONA: I get it now. The whole, you know, McDreamy thing. I didn't-- I didn't get it before, but now.. I get it. You knew they call you that, right?
ARIZONA: I'm involved by the way in case you thought that I was just coming on to you, because I was not. Plus, well, I heard that you got married. So congratulations.
DEREK: Yes. Thank you.
#43; "You can't un-ring the bell."
OWEN: You can't un-ring the bell.
TEDDY: I know. But I'm gonna try like hell.
#42; "Fine, then take him!"
CRISTINA: Dr. Altman! Wait! Wait! What do you want? More money? Cause I’ll talk to the chief. You know, they can set up a new cardio unit with a research lab, or you can work with vets-
TEDDY: It isn’t about that.
CRISTINA: Wait, wait, wait, wait. No one has ever believed in me. You believe in more more than I do and I need that. I’m gonna die here without that.
TEDDY: Cristina, it’s complicated-
CRISTINA: Fine! Tell me what you want and I will make it happen.
TEDDY: I want Owen!
CRISTINA: Fine, then take him!
#41; "What are you doing?"
MARK: I don't believe you. You don't have to do that.
CALLIE: I wanted to before you got home.
MARK: And you don't have to do what you offered to do. I'm not gonna hold you to that.
MARK: Thank you so much for offering. And, uh.. could be kinda great, right? [Callie continues taking the crib apart] What are you doing?
CALLIE: Sit down.
#40; "When she smiles at you, everything gets better."
RUBY: [cries] I want my mommy!
CALLIE: Okay. Alright. I know you do. I know. I know you do. And she’s gonna be back soon. But you know what until she gets here you have the best doctor in the whole world with you right now.
ARIZONA: There are only children here.
CALLIE: Yeah. Dr. Robbins is the best doctor in this entire hospital. I think in the whole world. Yeah, people feel so much better after she helps them. [Arizona and Ruby stop crying] Sometimes people feel better after she walks in the room cause she has got this super magic smile. Yeah, and when she smiles at you everything gets better. You don’t know it cause you have your back to her right now, but she is giving you- she’s giving you her best super magic smile. Isn’t that right, Dr. Robbins.
ARIZONA: Right. I am, Ruby. I am.
CALLIE: [to Arizona] I gotta call the police and let them know what happened, okay?
ARIZONA: I’m- I’m good. [Callie puts her hand on Arizona’s face] I’m good.
CALLIE: Alright.
#39; "Surprise!"
MEREDITH: So, how do you like your present?
CRISTINA: What? Private Benjamin over there? Owen said she would surprise me. Well guess what? SURPRISE! She doesn’t know how to do surgery.
ALEX: Leave her alone, it’s her first day.
CRISTINA: Why are you defending her? She went to state school.
ALEX: So did I.
CRISTINA: Well, she’s skinny and blonde.
ALEX: So is Mer.
CRISTINA: Well, she’s annoying.
ALEX: So are you.
CRISTINA: Where is your wife by the way?
#38; "I wanted to talk to you about breast implants."
TEDDY: Hey, um. Do you have a minute? I've got a question.
MARK: Sure.
TEDDY: I wanted to talk to you about breast implants.
MARK: Really? Good for you. You know, it crossed my mind the first time I saw you, but I didn't think you were the type to go for it.
TEDDY: No! Not- not for me. For my patient.
MARK: Oh. Oh! [awkward laughter]
CALLIE: Hey. Can I steal him for a quick consult?
TEDDY: Yeah. He's all yours.
CALLIE: Yeah, I was just- [whispers] She's what you're looking for. She's age appropriate. Probably wants kids.
MARK: Yeah.
CALLIE: Ask her out.
MARK: Not sure that's gonna work.
CALLIE: Great. Thanks! As you were.
MARK: Teddy, I'm sorry about that. Your breasts are fantastic. I wouldn't change a thing. [awkwardness] The patient.
TEDDY: Uh, he's, uh- he's got post-pneumonectomy syndrome and I wanted to use the implants to stabilize his heart.
MARK: Of course. Let me take a look. [Teddy walks away] Uh, so, asking you out tonight.. Probably a bad idea?
TEDDY: Uh, ya- ya think?
#37; "There's no more hot water."
[Lexie walks into Callie and Cristina’s apartment]
CRISTINA: Sloan Sloan monopolizing your bathroom again?
LEXIE: Yeah. Yours?
CRISTINA: Owen’s in mine.
[Lexie walks into Callie’s bathroom]
LEXIE: OH! Oh.. God. [shuts the door and walks back to Cristina] They’re in there.
CRISTINA: Yeah, you should knock first.
LEXIE: I’m late, okay. And my hair is dirty. And he just gave her eighty bucks for a muffin and a sandwich.
CRISTINA: That’s quite a sandwich.
LEXIE: She’s just gonna end up spending it on a pair of jeans that show off her butt crack and then she’s gonna ask me for half of my pasta salad.
CRISTINA: You sound like my mother.
[Callie and Arizona walk out of the bathroom]
CALLIE: Knock much?
LEXIE: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
[Lexie walks to Callie’s bathroom]
CALLIE: Oh. There’s no more hot water.
#36; "Bitches."
ARIZONA: I left you messages.
CALLIE: I’m sorry. I was in surgery. There were complications-
ARIZONA: I don’t care, okay? I operated on Wallace tonight, even when I knew better. I keep retracing every step, every suture, and I keep going over it, and over it-
CALLIE: He didn’t make it?
ARIZONA: He did. He’s in recovery. That’s not the point. What I needed from you tonight was a little support for once and you weren’t here.
CALLIE: Okay. You’re scared. And so you’re picking a fight. I get that. Yeah?
ARIZONA: Yeah. Yeah, fine. Whatever. But I have helped you through crisis after crisis and once I thought that I could come here tonight and I could get something-
[Owen and Cristina walk in and start arguing]
CRISTINA: Get over it already. It’s done.
OWEN: I have every right to be mad, Cristina. You’ve never pulled a stunt like that with another attending.
CRISTINA: Oh, well, I seem to recall Callie was there and still didn’t stop me.
CALLIE: Okay, guys. Not now.
OWEN: You took advantage of me and you took advantage of our relationship.
CRISTINA: Oh, please. The kid was dying.
ARIZONA: Wait.. woah.. What kid? What happened?
OWEN: Oh, so, you didn’t hear.
ARIZONA: No. No I didn’t.
OWEN: Cristina, she performed an unauthorized, an unnecessary, thoracotomy, against my orders.
ARIZONA: She what?
CRISTINA: I saved the patients life.
ARIZONA: Wait, so you were there and you didn’t tell me?
CALLIE: I was going to but you were all, “Tell me I’m great” so I-
ARIZONA: So it’s my fault that Yang went rogue on a child.
CRISTINA: No, you know what? It wasn’t rogue, it was brilliant.
OWEN: No, it wasn’t! You know, I’m done. You got lucky today, Cristina, and you may think that you can get away with whatever you want, but I’m telling you, one of these days that luck’s gonna run out. [Owen walks out]
CALLIE: Look.. Wha- Oh. Ok. So you’re leaving too.
ARIZONA: Yes, because I have a patient! [Arizona walks out]
CRISTINA: Bitches.
#35; "Girlfriend trumps roommate."
ARIZONA: Hey! Whoa. What are you doing here?
CALLIE: Oh, I was just, um, uh. I just stopped by to get some old case files.
ARIZONA: For what?
CALLIE: Um, this job opening in Portland.
ARIZONA: Oregon?
CALLIE: Yeah. Uh. The merger. I mean, the chief already got rid of me once, so.
ARIZONA: Yeah, no, well, it’s- that’s smart. Smart of you to have backups.
[mutual awkwardness / Callie walks away, Arizona follows her]
ARIZONA: Hey, uh, you know, I’m working with Cristina. She’s interested in Peds.
CALLIE: [laughs] No she isn’t.
ARIZONA: Yeah she is.
CALLIE: [sarcastically] Okay.
ARIZONA: Well, what? Did she say something to you?
CALLIE: She doesn’t have to. She’s Cristina.
ARIZONA: Uh, okay, you’re gonna have to help me out here because I don’t know what that means.
CALLIE: I shouldn’t say anything, she’s my roommate. [Arizona looks at her] And you’re my girlfriend. Girlfriend trumps roommate. Okay, fine. She's Cristina. She's all about cardio. So, she's probably sucking up to you to get through the merger. I mean, is she good with the kids?
ARIZONA: She's sucking up.
CALLIE: Yeah. [laughs]
#34; "You're hot too."
ARIZONA: You’re hot.
CALLIE: You’re hot too.
ARIZONA: No. You’re… hot.
CALLIE: Oh, okay. Thanks.
ARIZONA: No. No. No. You have a fever. You have- you have a fever. [pulls down Callie’s shirt, then lifts her sleeve] What is that? Oh my God!
ARIZONA: Pox. Pox! You have Chicken Pox!
#33; "His name is Mr. Bear."
MEREDITH: Nice pin.
CRISTINA: His name is Mr. Bear. He eats children.
MEREDITH: Not having fun in Peds?
CRISTINA: Well, my kid wants chocolate pudding really badly. This is the last one.
#32; "Is Sage in your pocket?"
ARIZONA: Oh. Um. Dr. Yang. Have you seen Sage? [Sage laughs] She's six. Light brown hair. Gorgeous blue eyes. She just had a tumor removed from her tummy, so she has a bandage on her tummy. You know what? Hey, why don't you check under the bed maybe she's there.
CRISTINA: Uh, she's not under the bed.
ARIZONA: Huh. Oh. I- Maybe try the bathroom. Maybe she slipped in there. [Sage laughs]
CRISTINA: Bathroom's clear. [Sage laughs]
ARIZONA: Wait. Shh. I think that there's something coming from your pocket. Is Sage inside your pocket?
CRISTINA: No. No. [lifts the bed covers] She's hiding here.
SAGE: You gotta look in your pocket first.
CRISTINA: No. I don't. Because I found you already. Now, I just need to check your incision sight.
SAGE: Don't touch it. It hurts.
ARIZONA: You know, I bet that Mr. Bear would like to see Sage's scar. Wouldn't you Mr. Bear?
CRISTINA: Oh. Um. [Mr. Bear voice] Yes I would.
#31; "But I do know what it's like to have a sister."
MEREDITH: You're the guy who used to pour my cereal in the morning. That's it. That's all I remember about you. You're not my father. You're just the guy who used to pour my cereal. And if you die it probably won't change my mind that much. But it will change hers. If you die, it will break her. And I'm not gonna let you do that. I don't know what it's like to have a father. But I do know what it's like to have a sister. And it's good.
#30; "Take off my gauze paws."
LEXIE: Arizona thought some work might take your mind off your itching.
CALLIE: Scratching will take my mind off itching. Take off my gauze paws.
LEXIE: She said that you’d say that and that I should say no. So. How about we start with the tibial plateau fracture in room 2240.
CALLIE: Hey. Hey. I’m an attending. You’re a resident. As your superior I’m ordering you to take them off.
LEXIE: She said that you would say that too and technically I’m on her service today, so she’s my boss, not you. We have the-
CALLIE: Please! Let me scratch just for five minutes.
LEXIE: No. It’ll scar.
CALLIE: I don’t care. I don’t care. Scars are hot. Scars are badass. Scars are poetic. I’m begging you Little Grey.
LEXIE: No. And please don’t call me Little Grey.
CALLIE: I’m in pain. I’m going crazy- pain. Scary, will this ever go away- pain. Do you get that? Do you know what I mean when I say that? Because this pain is need to scratch an itch that I can’t scratch. The pain of a thousand itches and it’s making me crazy. Not funny crazy. Bad crazy. It’s dark crazy. Pain, Little Grey. Pain!
LEXIE: I had sex with Alex. I had sex with Alex. Which I regret. Completely. Because I’m in love with Mark. I think. But I’m scared that I can’t handle the daughter and the baby and the Mark’s gonna be a grandpa thing.
CALLIE: Why are you telling me this?
LEXIE: I am in pain too is what I am saying. I get your pain. Don’t you see that? I do feel your pain, because I am in pain too.
CALLIE: I have pox between my butt cheeks. Your pain does not begin to compare to mine.
#29; "I told her he was a candy bar."
ARIZONA: How genius is this? Mark Sloan and Teddy.
CALLIE: Are you serious? I just said that.
ARIZONA: Mm! Shut up. Are we so well matched that we have all the same thoughts?
CALLIE: It’s kinda creepy, but it’s kinda great.
ARIZONA: I’m just saying. Teddy needs someone to come in and clear out the cobwebs, and just put a little spring in her step.
CALLIE: Yeah, and father her children.
ARIZONA: Yeah. Wh-wait, what? No. Mark?
CALLIE: Yeah, he wants a wife and kids.
ARIZONA: I told her he was a candy bar.
ARIZONA: I didn’t know!
MARK: [Marks sits at the table with Callie and Arizona] First she said no. Then she said yes.
CALLIE: Oh, that’s good.
MARK: And then she said no again. Because she doesn’t want to have a meal with me, she just wanted sex. [Callie looks at Arizona, Arizona smiles awkwardly] I mean, who treats people like that? Like an object. A piece of ass.
ARIZONA: Uh, I think you do.
MARK: I’ve changed.
#28; "You're the one who changed the game."
CALLIE: The man flew three-thousand miles to make me straight. With a priest! I’m lucky they didn’t march in the ER swinging incense all hepped up for an exorcism.
ARIZONA: Are you done yet?
CALLIE: Am I- no! He came here to disinfect you from my life. You don’t find that abhorrent?
ARIZONA: I do, but-
CALLIE: There is no but. Okay. What? You’re gonna tell me you get where he’s coming from?
ARIZONA: Maybe, you should try and talk to him.
CALLIE: I have nothing to say! If he wants to throw away our relationship after thirty years, then that’s his decision.
ARIZONA: He hasn’t done anything here. You’re the one who changed the game.
CALLIE: You didn’t expect a little understanding when you came out to your parents?
ARIZONA: Uhh… I never never had boyfriends. Ever. I had a poster on my wall of Cindy Crawford and I wasn’t just looking at her mole. It wasn’t news to my mom when I brought someone home named Joanne. But you… You dated men your whole life. You loved men. You even married one. You wanna talk about thirty years of relationship- he’s been consistent for thirty years. And all the sudden, you’re a whole new girl. So, cut him some slack. Sit down, and have a conversation. Give him room to be a little shocked. [Arizona walks away]
CALLIE: I hate you.
ARIZONA: Cause I’m right. And I’m awesome.
#27; "I would totally have sex with you."
CRISTINA: These are good. Do they sell these in the cafeteria?
IZZIE: No. Those are the cancer pops.
CRISTINA: Why do cancer people get all the fun?
MEREDITH: How do you feel, Iz?
IZZIE: I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen, but I feel okay. I feel good.
CRISTINA: Bailey's on some sort of rampage. I think it's post-O'Malley stress disorder. [laughs]
MEREDITH: She's not dealing with her grief.
CRISTINA: You sound like Owen's shrink.
MEREDITH: Owen's shrink is withholding sex, so she is grumpy and inappropriate.
IZZIE: Is Derek doing that too? Withholding sex?
MEREDITH: Why would Derek withhold sex?
IZZIE: Alex is withholding everything. It's like he's afraid, but I don't know what he's afraid of.
CRISTINA: He's afraid of the cancer sex.
MEREDITH: Cristina!
CRISTINA: He doesn't want to end up with a cancer pop.
MEREDITH: Cristina!
IZZIE: Just shut the hell up. I'm not contagious, Cristina.
CRISTINA: I know that. I would totally have sex with you.
#26; "Anyone else I could offend?"
MEREDITH: I haven't cried yet. I'm using work and sex as a distraction and I think it's working for me. Have you seen the girl, Amanda, sitting outside the hospital on that bench all day long-
CRISTINA: I miss sex. I miss it so much. [Meredith walks away] What? Mer!
LEXIE: I'm worried about Claire. She's depressed, but like, a whole new level of depressed. I don't know what to do.
CRISTINA: Are you talking about ceviche?
LEXIE: That- Oh my God! That's- that is so rude! Ceviche?! That is so- that is- that's ru- that is so rude! [Lexie walks away]
CRISTINA: Well anyone else I could offend?