Last night, watched
Nói (Nói Albinói), and at first I wasn't sure whether or not I enjoyed it. Now that I think more about it, though, I think that it was really good. I'll have to watch it again. Iceland seems like a wonderful place to live, and in all of the interviews, the people who worked on the film talk about the fact that although most Icelanders leave at some point in their lives, they almost always return again. Just from short interviews, it seems like the country has a very strong, specific national identity. Perhaps we could learn from them. They had it at Hollywood Video, so I recommend anyone to rent it. Also, the Icelandic language is nice to listen to.
I bought the Junior Boys album, as well. It's very good, and quite what I expected it to be. I bought it at Virgin Records, where I also just bought The Warriors for ten dollars! So that'll be nice to watch. I have to send Andrew a check this week, because we're seeing Motley Crüe at Madison Square Garden. That'll be good. I think the people there will be more entertaining then the band itself, though I'm really looking forward to seeing Mick Mars, just because he looks like Ming from Flash Gordon. I need some new ripped jeans and lace t-shirts, though, as well as make-up. Not really, but I might at least tattoo my whole back for the occasion.
Some play tonight. "I See Fire in the Dead Man's Eye." I have no idea what it's about, but I hope it's good.
I have no more to say. I think.