Nov 14, 2007 10:23
everything is going amazingly well right now!
school is kicking my ass, but i'm doing the best this semester i ever have at FSU. AND my classes are wayy harder, basically im super proud of myself. (in one of my writing workshop classes, the teacher informed us that she is only allowed to grant one A per class- she later informed me after class that i would be that one!) i got an internship with the southeast review, and sent off two of my nonfiction essays for (hopefully!) publication. i apply to grad school and take my lsat next semester and i'm looking forward to it. honestly! i'm so ready to move on out of here and get on with my life. it scares me how many people have left this town and then ended up coming back...
i was approached to teach a beginning english class if i stay on for grad school. although it's tempting, the thought of staying here an extra year may be too much to bear.
im really happy with the friends i have this semester, and the toxic ones i've weeded out. they're all amazing, have each accomplished something, have great aspirations, or influence me in one way or another.
ive been thinking about deleting my myspace. i don't really go online much these days anyway, mostly due to the fact that we have unreliable internet connections and im busy doing homework. that or im out having real-world interractions GASP! it just seems a touch incredulous to me that someone would have the time and desire to change their myspace profile a million times over doing ANYTHING else.
anyway, im looking forward to going home for thanksgiving, going to LA for winter break, and going to chicago for spring break!
time for class. see you with my next update when i'm 25 and feeling nostalgic.