Mar 31, 2004 22:52
So, rain isn't fun. But it's especially not fun today. Or tomorrow. Or Friday. My job at Aids Action was very simple. I was hired to place those little display stands in stores, so people can take a card and register for the walk. Not glamorous, but I justified it. We are supposed to place 60 stands a day, each with 50 cards. If one person takes a card from each stand, and raises $50 doing the walk, then I raised $3000 in one day. In a week, $15000. In the past month, $60,000. That makes the job very bearable. I took it to get my foot in the door, and hopefully get hired on full time. It's partially worked. I've been hired on to do data entry in the afternoons. Cool. So, the rest of my co-workers get 8 hrs to do 60 stands. I get 2, maybe 2/12 hrs, before I have to be back in the office. Not a problem. I normally do 70-80 a day, since I rock at this. It's not rocket science. But, my boss loves me. He's declared me his "Apprentice", as he is addicted to that show. So, I ended up doing LOTS of extra work for him, plus my route, plus data shit in the afternoon. I don't mind. An increase in pay would be nice, but it's a non-profit, so what can you do?
Anyway, to the point. It rained today. You take carboard out in rain, it gets destroyed. So, My boss gave us a half day, just doing 30 till 1:00, then heading home. However, my boss had different plans for me. In addition to my 30, I also had to go to several different places in town, to make sure my co-workers were doing their job. This include every stop on the red line, half the orang, and several of the green. For you out of towners, that's pretty much most of the city, on both sides of the river. In the pouring rain. When I forgot my umbrella. Or a hat. I had my lovely red fleece hoodie, but fleece doesn't really do water-proofing. Hmmph! So, I bust my ass, and get all this done by 1 and am back in the office at 1:30. And the fucker sends me back out again! The rest of my team has gone home, to be warm and dry. By the time I got home, my pants were soaked to my thighs, my hair went mad frizzy, and I've been sneezing all night. Granted, I got home an hour early today, but still, tomorrow I sit him down and talk about how I'm not water resistant, and he needs to die. The end.