Dec 31, 2009 21:04
Year in review
- started back to school
- optimism high
- stressed over money
- school is hard
- shitty birthday (but at least not in the hospital)
- still stressed over money
- school is going better-ish
- broke for March break = lame
- OSAP arrives. stressed over money but not quite as much
- realized had feelings for someone
- lost the nerve to state this
- the next day they began seeing someone else
- Budgeting a couple months ahead = ZOMG SUPER STRESS over money
- fall out from April, school did not go as well as it should have
- school over.. huzzah.. i guess.. meh. (see above)
- stressed over money
- no job, liking my bit of a vacation
- no money, kind of bored of my vacation
- trying not to feel stressed over money
- foolishly thought someone was attracted to me
- computer broken for a couple weeks
- lost phone for a week = totally cut off from outside world
- still no income = worried about money
- was proven wrong on first bullet of July
- had fun with them anyway
- found out dad has cancer
- stressed about money.. way more stressed about the above
- school is non-existent, i am jealous
- job search becomes frantic
- still no income, lack of money worries me
- a source of some income is found
- decide to forget about problems and have fun
- had a really good Halloweekend
- source of income is small, money troubles me
- a job, at long last! oh but wait, no.
- money continues to stress me out
- H&R Block course going well
- bus strike = LOTS of walking (3 hour round trip, 3 times a week)
- H&R Block course = owned!
- giftmas with little to no money = i feel like a leech
- a job offer! employment at last, my brothers and sisters, employment at last!
2009 final summation
-Fuck you 2009