Jan 07, 2008 05:02
I've come to the realization that things online just don't affect me anymore. People online can't get me deeply interested, nor can they emotionally drive me away. There's simply a defined cap to how much I can feel about anything or anyone online. I don't really feel for someone, TRULY feel for them, until they become an RL presence...even just a voice.
Life wasn't meant to be lived behind a computer screen.
For me, people online are like a pet ferret (I know, I know...just bear with me on this one *chuckles*). If your ferret runs away, you'll look for a day or two, and then give up. If your ferret dies, sure you're kinda sad for a bit, but it passes quickly and then you just get another ferret. People whom I've met, seen, touched...that's what life is about. That's whom I have human-level feelings about, rather than pet feelings.
...everything else is just a collection of letters and pixels that makes cute noises and chews on your socks. :)