First of all, I borrowed this little exercise from
spyinak . (Thanks!)
It sounded like fun, and I'm up tonight with no sleep in the near future. So here it goes...
1. Take five books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last
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I love to analyze my dreams, and if you know a thing or two about what they represent then please tell me!
I've had dreams about giving birth before, but this was different. One was a real baby, but very small. Not freakishly small, just smaller than the average baby. The other was normal at first, and THEN turned into the cat. I love cats, in fact I have one. From the time I was very small I've always had cats, and I can't tell you have many of those cats had kittens. It's not a stretch to think that cats would be on the brain.
The panda bear was as small as a normal baby, but looked like a grown panda(definitely cuddly). Thoughts on that? Haha
I'm not sure if I'm facing too choices, but I am in a huge transitional stage in my life. Like I said before, I'm newly single, and living alone for the first time in almost two years. It's a very strange (but good) time, and I'm really trying to find out who I am right now, without someone else around to influence me. What do you think about all of this?
Unlike some - I don't believe that the cat, the lion, the snake, etc., represent the same thing for all people. A person who loves snakes isn't going to dream the same as someone repulsed by them.
I recently had a dream about being kidnapped (by three women), tortured, tattooed, and my head shaven. (There was a baby in the dream that I was trying to protect too.) Talk about vivid.
I know why I dreamt about the tattoo - I have been debating getting one. The shaven head - every one comments on my long hair and asks when I plan to cut it. The kidnapping and torture? No clue. It could have just been a t.v. show or a book. And by women? Weird.
I tend to avoid over analyzing my dreams as I think a lot of dreaming is just about the brain cataloging information you have gathered- kind of sorting it onto the hard drive, which is why we dream about people we haven't thought about in years. Of course, that is just my opinion.
Dreams are a very personal thing.
Anyway -For me babies represent new beginnings. Cats are independence and beauty. Pandas -I don't generally dream about but I think of them as cute and endangered. If you think about what the represent to you that might help you. Sorry, like I said - not very good at doing this for others.
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