[Video] 19 Pies Flying // A quiet moment of grateful.

Oct 24, 2010 16:23

[Gyatso is slowly running his hand down the length of what looks like a staff, inspecting every inch of it. He uses his hands--no bending, not with his chip in--to open the glider fully to inspect the wings. It's an Air Nomad Glider, for the relatively few in the know.

Eventually, he looks back to the communicator and smiles.]

Perhaps it is time that I finally get my chip out. This glider will not fly itself!

[He sounds delighted, almost like a kid. Yes, this is a complete motivator for getting his chip out. The final push!]

yay glider, not enough tags, old monk is excited, finally asked eirin, monks can fly?!, wondertwin should not doubt him, late to the party, he can really fly!, meryl no need to panic, gyatso finally asked someone

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